erissiva wrote:

Love the look!
Good job!

Thanks smile

By the way, were you using a CRT monitor while checking out my site? The reason I'm asking is that I haven't had the chance to test in on anything but my LCD. Was just wondering if there was any color that looked out of place/off?

almost_there wrote:
Notice: Undefined variable: kwrds in /home/virtual/site30/fst/var/www/html/subdomains/blog/TFS/inc.stats.php on line 568

Taken from the forum page

It should be fixed by now. I just uploaded the wrong file, so the paths for the stats script was wrong.

Guess you people are pretty tired of my "feedback wanted" topics by now? wink

Well, the thing is.. I've just recently set up a blog (wordpress) and I wanted to use PunBB for the forum. After some tweaking of the core files and stylesheets, I got the styles to look pretty much exactly the same on the main page & the forums..

I don't think I actually *need* a forum on a blog that nobody visits, but I installed it just the same. I enjoy making themes/styles, so if I can come up with any excuse, no matter how small, to set up a new site and start all over again I usually end up doing so big_smile

Let me know what you think of this one? Oh, and please keep in mind that this style is intended for a personal site, so it doesn't necessarily have to look "overly professional" wink

Front page (blog)
PunBB forum

No, never seen anything like it with punBB.

Seeing as it's been a few months since anyone mentioned this I thought I'd ask what the status on Mambo and/or Limbo integration is?


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Gary13579 wrote:

No! I accidently deleted this style when I was upgrading my forums, and now I dont have it. I tried the download, but i get a 403 error.

Does anyone have this tyle, and is willing to zip it up, upload it, and post it here?

Oops, sorry about that.. I forgot to exclude that directory from my .htaccess hotlink protection wink It's fixed now.

Ludo wrote:

I solved the problem alone... I had just forgotten to put */ in the css file...
Great work code xp. Maybe you could post it on punres if it is not done yet.


Happy it worked out for you smile

Post it on punres? Well, I guess I could but is it really worth posting there? I mean, it's just a simple 'hack' smile

I'm only guessing here, but I think it may have something to do with Dreamweaver having problems with *NIX formatted files.

Yes you can smile

Connorhd wrote:

but since like 80% of people are still using IE you HAVE to support it

While that's true, it doesn't mean that every feature on a page have to work with IE. For example, something like this "tweak" will enhance the site for those using a good browser, but at the same time not ruin anything for IE users smile

Connorhd wrote:

but that won't work on IE? and IE users are the ones that need stuff like this (in general)

That's true... but you could always use a javascript to position it instead if you want smile In general, I don't think one should compromise *to* much to make a page compatible with IE though because that's part of the reason a lot of users don't switch to something better... Why would they switch if all pages looks right in their current browser?

Why not just do something like this?

At the top of the page, add just below '<div id="shadow_wrapper">':

<a id="top" name="top" />

At the bottom of the *.tpl file(s) just above '</body>' add:

<div id="go_top">
    <div class="pun">
        <a href="#top">Back to top</a>

Add the following to your CSS:

div#go_top {display:none} /*this will hide the navigation for browsers like IE that can't handle fixed DIV's */
body > div#go_top {display:block;position: fixed;left:0em;bottom:0em;top:auto;right:auto;} /* This shows the 'back to top' nav link for browsers with real CSS support */

This should take care of the problem without modifying any of the .php files smile

Edit: fixed code


(29 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Todd wrote:

Well, I guess I will throw in my two cents here.

I have tested numerous image galleries.  Most of them are pure refuse!  I agree with Rod that you should not have to visit a new page for every single pic and then have to go back to find the stupid thumbnails.

I use one Image Gallery because it offers the best presentation I have found. Its not perfect but its very good. If you hate Flash, you won't like this gallery script.  One of the best features of the gallery is that it uses XML to pull in images and descriptions. Navigation of thumbnails is elegant.

although that certainly looks good, I don't thing using Flash is a good solution. It'll exclude all those that don't have a flash plugin install/activated and it's not always to friendly on old, slower computers.

Nice! smile

I'm planning on doing the same over the next few months, but I need to write some additional modules (dl system etc.) before I leave phpBB behind.

Thanks for the heads up Den! I just tested it and it does indeed do what you say. Hope to see this fixed in the next release smile


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Doesn't happen for me either. I've tested in 3 different browers, with 2 different PunBB installations and I get no errors on either one of them.

Check the front page under the download section wink's a direct link: News generator

Sure, but you would have to edit the header.php and footer.php files.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

sif wrote:

Tusen takk XP  smile

Bare hyggelig smile

spazin wrote:

Thanks for the reply. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it. Where(what file on my server) does PunBB keep username/password data? Maybe I can configure my main site login script to use the same file.

The simplest way to learn what PunBB variables you can use in your scripts is to just copy/paste the following code into a new *.php file and run it. It'll display all the variables from $pun_user and $pun_config:

define('PUN_ROOT', './');
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1);
@require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
echo 'Available variables in the <strong>$pun_user</strong> array:
print_r($pun_user); // This will show you the user information.
echo '</pre>'; 
echo 'Available variables in the <strong>$pun_config</strong> array:
print_r($pun_config); // This will show you the board configuration
echo '</pre>'; 
Connorhd wrote:

lol i'm still in the learning process but i'm gonna try anyway, but for now i got to release the poll mod, do the miniportal and chat mod then i think i'll get started on this although i have no idea how long it will take for me to get something out, hopefully once the project is started anyone will be able to help with either the main code, styles, or modules for it

I'd love to help, but considering that you seem to be a lot more experienced with PHP programming than I am I'm not sure I'd be of much use... I'm better at debugging than I am at the actual coding process wink


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Just open phpmyadmin (or whatever tool you use to administer your databases) and set the group id for the user you want to set as admin to 1 smile

UPDATE users SET group_id = '1' WHERE username = 'USERNAME';

Just replace USERNAME with your username.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

No internet connection yikes Hehe, I'm not sure I could survive without one wink

No need to rush though, it's easy enough for anyone to fix for themselves...and it's not like it's a real bug or anything smile

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

i vote CodeXP and Connorhd get together and bust out the much wanted PunCMS. i for one have learned alot from your posts CodeXP, thank you.     *thumbs*

Always happy to be of assistance smile

I don't think I'm quite ready for a task of the dimensions we're talking about here just yet though... I'm still in the 'learning process' wink

Ludo wrote:

I would also like to know how you did for floating images?


Well, it's quite simple really ;)

Open include/parser.php


// Turns an URL from the [img] tag into an <img> tag or a <a href...> tag
function handle_img_tag($url, $is_signature = false)
    global $lang_common, $pun_config, $pun_user;

    $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'"><'.$lang_common['Image link'].'></a>';

    if ($is_signature && $pun_user['show_img_sig'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<img class="sigimage" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';
    else if (!$is_signature && $pun_user['show_img'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<img class="postimg" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';

    return $img_tag;

After add:

function handle_img_tag_left($url, $is_signature = false)
    global $lang_common, $pun_config, $pun_user;

    $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'"><'.$lang_common['Image link'].'></a>';

    if ($is_signature && $pun_user['show_img_sig'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<img class="sigimage_left" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';
    else if (!$is_signature && $pun_user['show_img'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<img class="postimg_left" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';

    return $img_tag;

function handle_img_tag_right($url, $is_signature = false)
    global $lang_common, $pun_config, $pun_user;

    $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'"><'.$lang_common['Image link'].'></a>';

    if ($is_signature && $pun_user['show_img_sig'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<img class="sigimage_right" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';
    else if (!$is_signature && $pun_user['show_img'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<img class="postimg_right" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';

    return $img_tag;


$text = preg_replace('#\[img\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e', 'handle_img_tag(\'$1$3\')', $text);

After add:

$text = preg_replace('#\[img=left\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e', 'handle_img_tag_left(\'$1$3\')', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#\[img=right\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e', 'handle_img_tag_right(\'$1$3\')', $text);

Find (yes, there's two of them):

$text = preg_replace('#\[img\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e', 'handle_img_tag(\'$1$3\', true)', $text);

After add:

$text = preg_replace('#\[img=left\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e', 'handle_img_tag_left(\'$1$3\', true)', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#\[img=right\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e', 'handle_img_tag_right(\'$1$3\', true)', $text);

Open the CSS files you want to add the floating-images feature to.


IMG.postimg_left {float:left;margin:4px;clear:left}

Now all you have to do is type [ img = <left or right> ] <image url> [ / img ] (without the spaces of course ;))