(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

I dont like Copper. I prefer Oyxgen. Cause its simple and clean.

I updated the German translation. Here is the packages. Maybe someone can put this into the wiki. When someone can provide a better translation please tell me.


You need to add

'Copyright message'                =>    '&copy; 2008-2009 <a href="http://punbb.informer.com/">PunBB</a>, partially based on code &copy; 2008-2009 <a href="http://fluxbb.org/">FluxBB</a>',

to lang/German/admin_index.php and translate it. Maybe this can be a good translation:

'Copyright message'                =>    '&copy; 2008-2009 <a href="http://punbb.informer.com/">PunBB</a>, basiert teilweise auf &copy; 2008-2009 <a href="http://fluxbb.org/">FluxBB</a>',

Update: OK i found http://punbb.informer.com/trac/changese … %2FEnglish and i see that we need to update the language file a bit more.