(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Anyone notice that in IE 8 the pages are misaligned? How can I sort this issue? The "page" displays under the menu...  revclan.co.cc


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

sorry, haha. Its actually just that simple.. im trying to add it to the "menu" just using the admin section of the portal.. I feel stupid for asking.. I am not too confident with php though. When I added it just as it is there.. the link just leads the the forum index.


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I know this will be easy to answer.. but I can seem to get my pages to work using the portal.. <a href="<?php echo forum_link($forum_url['forum_id'], array(1, sef_friendly('-ReV- Awards'))) ?>">-ReV- Awards</a> the name of the "page" is -ReV- Awards. What am I doing wrong?

revclan.co.cc... it doenst let the chat go beyond a certain amount of entries in the chat.dat... once its full it just says no messages... any ideas?

It was.. lol I just changed all the colors. Im not sure how to make it Firefox friendly though.. any ideas?

http://rev.noadsfree.com/punbb-1.2.21/p … /index.php installed (heavily modded but still the same basic layout) One thing though my users that run off of firefox cant use the index links.. they won't function at all.