auriez vous l'obligeance de m'expliquer ces quelques lignes,
elles sont tirées du fichier login.php , à la racine, lignes 49 à 65
if (!empty($db_password_hash))
$sha1_in_db = (strlen($db_password_hash) == 40) ? true : false;
$sha1_available = (function_exists('sha1') || function_exists('mhash')) ? true : false;
$form_password_hash = pun_hash($form_password); // This could result in either an SHA-1 or an MD5 hash (depends on $sha1_available)
if ($sha1_in_db && $sha1_available && $db_password_hash == $form_password_hash)
$authorized = true;
else if (!$sha1_in_db && $db_password_hash == md5($form_password))
$authorized = true;
if ($sha1_available) // There's an MD5 hash in the database, but SHA1 hashing is available, so we update the DB
$db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'users SET password=\''.$form_password_hash.'\' WHERE id='.$user_id) or error('Unable to update user password', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());