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I tried in my footer, but it won't recognize that i'm already logged. It still ask me to login. Why?
Reading the source code through the navigator, i can see this actually printed:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">autoLogin("mayid");</script>
Does the chat works with a database? I guess no. You could write any arbitrary name in autoLogin? I don't figure how it works because pressing "login to chat" nothing happens. I can see that link hasn't defined a function.
I´m up to try some themes. But anyway, I´d like to change the icons in the left hand of the forums list.
I can´t get any guide on internet. And there´s no .ico in my directories to change.
How should I change the icon?
I mean... how should I replace the native icon? I{d like to put another icon besides the topics... How to? Please.
Quiero saber lo mismo. Cómo pongo un icono al lado de los hilos?
Por otro lado... ¿La versión 1.3 no permite bajar e instalar plugins automaticamente? Cómo hago para que los reconozca?
Primero lo primero. Cuenten como poner iconos. En todo el sitio no encuentro ningun -ico que reemplazar.
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