(1 replies, posted in Programming)

Thanks for this. In phpMyAdmin or Webmin, you can simply create indexes by using their web based form.

Btw, when first reading about create indexes, I think by mistake that the create index should be called whenever new row is inserted, then this result in many duplicate indexes sad
So, just inform some newbie here: create index is a one-time process. No need to re-create indexes big_smile

You can insert a shout box. some free ones: cbox.ws, myshoutbox.com, shoutmix.com, etc.

Thank you, lie2815.
What I need is mysub.domain.com, not mysub.yourdomain.com smile

@MattF: Yes, you're right! I now think about create my own forums smile

Anyone can help me, please?

Hi all,

Currently I know only www.punbb-hosting.com is free PunBB hosting. But it doesn't support custom sub domain (only sub directory supported).

Can any one tell me a free PunBB hosting with custom domain name?

Thank you very much!