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Forum :
Confiq php file:
$base_url = '';
$cookie_name = 'forum_cookie_e367a5';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
define('FORUM', 1);
But all members recieve this message at login :
"Vous semblez identifié correctement, bien qu’aucun cookie n’ait été enregistré. Merci de vérifier votre paramétrage et si nécessaire d’autoriser les cookies pour ce site."
in my admin space, i remark also that there is no way to set a default group to members (empty list)
Help please.
this is the forum message to the user when trying to connect :
"Vous semblez identifié correctement, bien qu’aucun cookie n’ait été enregistré. Merci de vérifier votre paramétrage et si nécessaire d’autoriser les cookies pour ce site."
How can i set cookies ?
Help, Help, Help.
Tanks a lot
All links are OK now.
But only moderators and administrators can login.
For simple members, the folowing message is displayed when name and password are provided: "Check settings or enable cookies for this forum".
How can i solve this please?
By now, no member can connect. the forum is empty.
For my french forum,
I have installed the latest version of punbb in a sub domain. The URL is
But all internal links forums and subjects are like this:
How can i change it so that alls my forum's URL start with
Posts found: 4