I have a small issue with RSS which is making problems for my site. With this solved i could bypass the need for Wordpress or Portal and keep the website a lot more simple by just using punbb forums and their RSS outputs on external PHP pages for 'latest news' and 'latest blogs' etc. 
Please help!

The Problem: RSS post order after comments

RSS doesn't use the forums 'sort by' order. When someone makes a reply post, it bumps the topic to the top of the
RSS list - even when the forum is set to 'sort topics by: topic post'. Having posts 'sticky' still doesn't hold their position in the RSS output either, replies always bump topics in RSS output.

I have a 'Latest News' forum feeding a custom 'Latest News' php file on my website using RSS Reader which displays the RSS info with CSS.
It all works well and using CSS i can make it display how i want - BUT when a topic gets a reply in the forum, it bumps the topic to the top of the RSS output, making old news bump to the top of the 'latest news' Php page.

Q: is it possible to edit extern.php to keep the RSS topics sorted by 'topic post' rather than bumping topics after a new reply?
I guess extern is where it needs some edits but i have no clue how to do it!

Please help, it would save a LOT of headaches.