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The plugin integrator (tiendx2002's method / Riklaunim plugin) works fine (without theme integration) !
But do you also try to include header/footer of wordpress blog into your punbb forum ?
Here is the theme integration (test). When I active the wordpress plugin mentionned above, my forum hompage is now empty...
Edit : I use wordpress 2.8.2 and punbb 1.3.4
beckham_lkc : Do you try to integrate wordpress theme into punbb (like this method ) ? Does it work ?
I have a problem on this point, see my post
I am trying to integrate completely punbb into my wordpress blog.
1) First, I succeed the integration of Wordpress Theme into punbb .
2) Then, the Wordpress plugin punbb integrator (sync of user, login...) works well (theme integration not included).
But when I activate the plugin, with the theme integration of wordpress included into punbb, my punbb homepage is blank...
Someone had the same problem? Can anyone help me ?
zz (sorry for my poor english)
Edit : I use wordpress 2.8.2 and punbb 1.3.4
I try this method : link with Wordpress 2.8.2 and Punbb 1.3.4
It works like a charm ! Except when I active a worpdress plugin "Role Manager".
When I try to load my forum page, it says that "stripslashes_array" cannot be redeclared... But there is no "stripslashes_array" function in the plugin role-manager... I am lost...
Does someone have the same problem ?
(sorry for my poor english)
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