Rod wrote:

X files Power : Yes, in admin > options, PM are YES (and it's logic, because the members and I can send PM smile)

I don't understand .. very weird !!! smile

            // Private Message 1.0.8
            //$links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">'.$lang_pms['Messages'].'</a>';
            $links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">Messages privés</a>';

First line > doesn't work
Second line > doesn't work (create a "blank")
Third line > works !

Bug in fr_pms.php ?

And in this case, is it the same thing I have to do for members to have the PM link in profile's user ???



..i believe works as well...(at least thats how i did it)..i think


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Rickard wrote:

Thats odd. Are you running Apache 1.3 or 2.0?

Apache 2, as well as IIS4 (i think, whatever is on Windows2000 Server)

Rickard wrote:

Stored procs have the advantage of separating database logic from actual code.

This is VERY true, dont get me wrong, i perfer having 50% of my code in SQL, since its normally way faster, however from experiances a DB layer similar to what ipb (invision) does for its version 2.0, is the best bet.  It allows complex database changes to be easily mirrored and altered in one location (rather then having to rebuild your stored procedures, not to mention manage them)


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Paul wrote:

shayne: The container code is is just the fieldset tag. The nice rounded corners are just IE6's default display of fieldsets.

<legend>Blah Blah</legend>
<label>Username</label><br />
<input />

The spacer div was an example. I'v just used margins to seperate elements so no spacers at all.

You learn something new everyday.  Most impressive, even works in Firefox.

Paul wrote:

PHP5: Not the second coming. It is if your interested in XML.

You got me here smile

Rickard wrote:

We'll see. I don't consider PHP5 such a huge upgrade and I don't think the Swedish web hosts will do either. I have yet to encounter a piece of code I've written that hasn't work in 5.0.

I keep getting fatal exception errors, but its spradic, like sometimes i get it, then i will go for a day or 2, then bam, its showing up again, probably just my install (i havent tried 5.0 yet, just the first 2 RCs)

Rickard wrote:

I disagree. PHP5 will allow people to write object oriented programs in PHP. Something that was basically impossible with PHP4 (mainly due to the inability to do real encapsulation). I agree that the upgrade to MySQL 4.1 will be extremely important in the long run (because of the Unicode support), but 5.0 pretty much adds only stored procedures. SP:s are nice, but not that nice.

Stored procs are evil smile  They tend to marry you to a server, having worked for a company who sells contract management software that sells for $500K+ (clients include Microsoft, HP, Blizzard), i can tell ya that they cause more problems then they are worth.  Im talking even SUBSELECTS!!! triggers and functions would be excellent as well.  Ive used MSSQL for sooooooo long, that i miss the more advanced features,


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

*id quote, but it would be huge*

..perhaps im just a little CSS/Design retarded smile  I do like the idea of an extremely customizable and modular forum system and im anctious to see the results (hopefully sooner then later wink

I agree with your logic in the quoting system.  Im not a fan of it because i hate scrolling to the "side", while scrolling down is fine, i guess i will have to see it in action to make a real judgement on it., but i do agree that at times the quoting on a forum can get way out of hand *the way you have done it is the perfect way, well thought out*

BTW. Why did you use a spacer graphic on your site?

Customizable sizes smile  While your div system would work, i perfer...

function spacer($width, $height){
print "<img src=\"spacer.gif\" width=\"".$width."\" height=\"".$height."\">";

(though im not sure height is a supported attribute anymore)...while i suppose...

function spacer($width, $height){
print "<div style=\"width:".$width."; height:".$height."\"><!-- empty --></div>";

..i think the image system just looks a bunch neater code wise then an assload of useless div tags spread about.  Though i will reserve judgement till i see the final product smile

...but one quick note, can you give me a sneak peak at your EXCELLENT container code (those nice borders around the options on the register screenshot)?

Im glad that Rickard, and yourself are intelligent and passionate enough to defend your stances with some good comments.  Having spent the better part of the last few hours scanning through document after document and example after example, im sure that a solid XHTML 1.0 strict forum would be something rather impressive.


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Rickard wrote:

Well, yes. Hosting companies will of couse be hesitant to upgrade when their current installation is working without problems, but 5.0 differs from previous upgrades in that it offers lots of new functionality, not just bug fixes and a new function here and there. I believe this, together with the fact that customers are much more demanding these days, will speed up the process.

I also think it differs quite a lot from country to country. I don't know of a single serious Swedish hosting company that runs anything prior to 4.3.0.

Bug fixes?  I think bug "introductions" would be better wording smile, while I do agree that it does offer a lot more functionality (if you code in OOP), but its not the second coming by any means, if anything php5, is what php4 should have been to begin with.

I still dont think you will see much in terms of upgrading in say the next...year.  Your example of Swedish hosts running 4.3.0 seems normal to me concidering they are all just bug fixes on the 4.x branch, no worries about things breaking, unlick a dramatic shift in technology.

consider... … p;phpver=5

..time will tell.

THough, i think the jump to MySQL 5.X, or 4.1.X is a much more important feature upgrade then phps move to version 5

(perhaps we outta move this conversation to another topic wink


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Rickard wrote:

In a couple of months, it is quite likely that the majority of hosts will have upgraded to PHP5.

I doubt this.  I work for one of these hosts, and while i do agree that php5 is the way to go, from a business standpoint of "if it aint broke dont fix it", im imagining a very slow adoption of php5.  Take a look at the stats of Apache 1 vs. Apache 2, or even Windows 2000 vs. Windows 2003.

My company is doing the "wait and see" and probably adopt php5 when it hits 5.1 or is declared stable (not by Zend, but by somebody who isnt making money peddling their warez)


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Paul wrote:
Andy wrote:

Any chance of a screenshot?

For those who are wondering. The index page has one table only and the other two pages have no tables at all.

I for see some problems with the conversion to XHTML (Body: 5px margin, Forum 100% width), also i think the ability to integrate into CMS and other project will be MUCH more difficult then a HTML 4.01 design.

While i do agree that a better CSS design is a must, im not sure this was the path to choose.

...since i see from the screens that a forum is running, is it possible to get a private screening of what the future holds from a design standpoin (i wont signup, i just want to view source and concider the future of punbb in my current, and future projects)t? (shayne[AT]mars-project[DOT]com)

*also i think the scroll bars on the quotes suck, im hoping thats just a CSS preset div with overflow that can be removed*

Zend Studio 3.5 smile  Sure it might be a tad bloaty, but its rock solid under SuSE 9.1


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

hcgtv wrote:
shayne wrote:

Front end?  As in Operating System?

Front end as in what will drive

Custom game, custom front end, custom backend...6 months in development, weeks from release...



(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

hcgtv wrote:
shayne wrote:

...personal co-location server (AMD 1800XP, 512MB DDR)

Nice machine, the memory is key, all the database in memory and all.

What are you using for the front end?

Front end?  As in Operating System?  FreeBSD 4.10, MySQL 4.0.20, PHP 4.3.8, Apache 2

Servers are cheap, and a good investment, when i put together that machine (about a year ago), i think it cost me under $600.  No need for a video card (im using a second hand Voodoo3000), RAM, Board and CPU were all about $150-$200 each, and the case is a generic with a 300W PS...plug that into a $50 UPS Battery Backup, and you got a good server with low out of pocket.

Originally we were hosting on one of those "deals" where it was like, db, php and some other stuff for like $30 a month or something (im foggy on numbers), but you couldnt do much in terms of "fun", cant install packages, cant modify the kernal, cant do anything outside your little box.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

...personal co-location server (AMD 1800XP, 512MB DDR) in downtown Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Well, i was crusing through the "Show Off" and didnt see anything to out of the box, so im gonna post mine here to show that small changes can do a lot.

...first off, these are forums for an upcoming "Browser Based Strategy Game", and since its all behind closed doors till august, their is no posts on the forums (that mean anything)


...i made a few changes, most noteable is the removal of

<table class="punspacer" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4"><tr><td> </td></tr></table>

..replaced with...

<img src="/img/spacer.png" alt="" class="punspacer">

..that allows for A TON more flexability in spacing between elements.

...ive removed the doc-type at the top so that i can stretch the forum to 100% (loses 4.01 standards, i know, im working on that), small modifications to the template file, ive added the No-Reply hack, and the CSS is slightly modifided version of Mercury.

..questions, comments, etc,?

I'd like to thank Rickard for his fine work, and a good start at some sweet lite forums


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

...okay, checked it out, works like the cats ass.  Great stuff, i think that pretty much makes it near perfect (though id love user groups, with indepedent permissions).

Good job on the forums, might have earned yourself a donation!


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thanks for the speedy reply.  I will have to check this out smile  I hope it also gets added as a base install feature at a later date, id hate to have to keep hacking the file on every update


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I was looking at using PunBB for my website, and out of curiosity i posted a topic in your "Announcments" only to delete it after, do you have any plans on making a permission system a little more that perhaps only moderators and administrators can create topics on a forum, but users can post replys...thats really my only hangup is that currently the permissions lack userlevel per board changes.