I've gave you my password to tripod account in mail, and could you check it ? help me please smile

no, my forum works for about month. when it was still working I had the opportunity to view all of pages. userlist.php worked too.

heh so everything worked fine

now after enabling debug mode I have this message:

An error was encountered

File: /data/members/free/tripod/uk/w/o/p/wopio/htdocs/upload/index.php
Line: 152

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch newest registered user
Database reported: Unknown column 'username' in 'field list' (Errno: 1054)

what I should do now ?:(

hey hey hey smile
I've found the reason !!! :)my fault ;/ when I'm uploading all files to the server there was an error, and file admin_options.php wasn't send properly. now everything works fine
thank you guys smile

in main.tpl:

<html dir="<pun_content_direction>">
<head><title>       Page Title     </title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<pun_char_encoding>">

<table class="punmain" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
    <tr class="punhead">
        <td class="punhead">
            <span class="puntitle">      Page title       </span><br>

that's all, but before these changes forum wasn't working properly too

I'm using a english language pack and I didn't change anything in that code ;/
I've only changed a few lines of code in : 'include/template/main.tpl' because I must change the title of page. that's all
maybe I should reinstall all forum and try again ? sad

no it isn't working hmm
hm i have no idea what is wrong ;/ there is always the same error: The admin e-mail address you entered is invalid :[
my email is: wopio@tlen.pl

when i'm trying to submit changes in administrator menu[admin=>options], i have a problem :[
" The admin e-mail address you entered is invalid." but i've entered  a valid address !!!
what is wrong ?!
something is wrong when i'm trying to change some options in 'admin options'

pleaseee help

i like you  smile
thanks for your help
it's working
thank you again wink

now i'm on first step of installation, i have an account at members.lycos.co.uk, but i have no idea what what should i write in form "database name". if i write 'wopio' or something else i have the same problem hmm
"Error: Unable to select database. Unknown database '[eg. wopio]'. " pleaseeeeee help me