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I've recently upgraded my punBB (v1.3) forum MySQL database from 4 to 5.
Unfortunatelly, I got this debug error message after the MySQL upgrade:
An error was encountered
The error occurred on line 1171 in /nfs/c01/h14/mnt/38315/domains/
Database reported: Incorrect key file for table 'ntcf_users'; try to repair it (Errno: 1034).
Any help on this, please?
I'm trying for hours to migrate a punBB 1.2 to an upgraded version of punBB (1.3) in a different server.
Do I first have to install a 1.2 copy of punBB in the new server, import the SQL and then upgrade to punBB 1.3?
I'm trying to do both things at the same time (yes, I'm stupid) but there are lots of uncompatible tables between 1.2 and 1.3 and I'm getting full of SQL errors.
Please help me before I die ![big_smile](
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