(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

seems to be a good service, wonder how it can be free (or is it?)

Ok, I see, thanks for your help. I will look in to this a bit more. I have gotten used to this "feature" at the forums I regularly visit, for me it's hard to live without. But I have a hard time seeing that it would generate unbearable traffic / serverCPUcycles, it is a relatively small amount of information we are dealing with ?!
But I understand you want to keep this forum very simple and streamlined, which btw is why it appeals to me! For me though, its so damn close to beeing perfect that I really would like to see this feature in action. But you are discouraging me?

By effective, are you referring to how much work is laid on the server / mysql daemon? Because this will not matter to many ppl (incl me) having only modest traffic on their site.

Really, but other forums have this feature? You have tried yourself?

Ok. So the reason you didnt implement it is that it takes heavy use of mysql? But really not that heavy, I mean - the posts themselves are of course bigger..?!
Strange no one else lacks this feature, I would consider it one of the most important ones. I shall try to make this mod, I gather you are not much interested in this, or could I ask questions? (Jag är svensk förresten smile

I could make this mod, since this is a must-have function for me. I wonder, this new-post mark, you say it should disappear when i log out / log in again later? Or is the only possible way of getting rid of it, clicking that link "Mark all forums as read"? If the latter is true, it should be easy enough to make this mod.
thanks for your patience!

I see, there are no such function, but there really should be.. I guess no mod that does it either?

Ok, but they do not disappear when I log out / log in again.
There are no way to see unread posts? Would be much more interesting than to see new posts made!!

I am a new user to punbb, thinking about installing it on my server. While I am trying it out here in this forum, i notice that there are marks next to new posts that I havent read. But they do not disappear when i read the posts (even if I reload the page), why is this? I live in Sweden and chose +1CET for time in the prefs.

(I tried the "Mark all posts as read"-function and it made all "New post"-marks go away! But why didnt they go away when i read the messages? Isnt it supposed to?)