(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hi Richard,

I gave you Lithuanian translation pack of PunBB 1.2x series. I told, that e-Vaizdas.net (url: http://www.e-vaizdas.net) team (our team) translated this forum into Lithuanian, but not me myself. So could you replace in your page "Lithuanian - Translation by Thunder" with "Lithuanian - Translation by e-Vaizdas.net", please.

Thank you for your awesome forum smile!


Richard, you can download Lithuanian pack, that was created by e-Vaizdas.net team from here

Bye smile

Hi Smartys,

yes I know that copyright removal is not nice, but we have put there advertisment in that place, but after it's removal, we decided to upgrade to 1.2.5 and don't remove copyright, sorry for that sad.

Richard: ok, we are going to translate that parts, and remove that translated parts were you specified.

So, I'll put new link to that translation pack, soon.


P.S.: sorry again for that copyright removal sad

e-Vaizdas.net team again translated PunBB 1.2.* language pack into Lithuanian.

Richard, your new version of PunBB rocks smile!

So, you could add Lithuanian language pack into downloads section.

you can download here

Thank you.

Look forward to hearing from you

You are welcome smile


I have spotted, when you post, login etc., after task completion, PunBB forum shows a table, that you'll be redirected and etc. But! In earlier versions of IE (IE 5.0 and lower) this table placement isn't center, but left corner of the screen.

I know, it's a minor "bug", but you could make this bugfix.


P.S.: I'm using PunBB 1.15 version

No Rickard, do not replace charset from windows-1257 to iso-8859-13, because all the people in Lithuania will have problems with this iso-8859-13 standart.

Please, leave as it was before.

Thank you smile


Lithuania is in Europe -> http://www.maps.com/cgi-bin/search/hype … Qualifier=

My country is Lithuania smile

Sorry Rickard, I put the wrong language pack, so now download the correct Lituanian Language pack at http://www.e-vaizdas.net/lt.zip.


Hello all punbb.org members,

our team has translated PunBB to Lithuanian language.
To administrator: please download this Language Pack for PunBB 1.1.* from http://www.e-vaizdas.net/lt.zip

It would be very nice, that more and more people would use PunBB lithuanian language pack.

Our neighborhoods, latvians, allready has their own Language Pack smile.

I ope you'll add this language pack, to your downloads.