I'm not really sure whether this is a feature request, or a mod request, so I'll post it in the PunBB discussions forum instead. :)
What I'm wondering is if it would be possible to implement a time-limit on users being able to edit their own posts? I'm thinking something like 15 minutes, and then the post can only be edited by a moderator/admin.
The reason for the request is simply a desire to see history not being changed on a forum. When a discussion occurs and one member throws his/her toys out of the pram, I've seen it happen that that user will purposefully delete his/her own posts (before leaving, swearing they'll "never return") in every thread they've ever contributed to, therefore making the thread far more difficult to decipher for every subsequent visitor.
(I should point out this has never happened on my forum - I just want to prevent it from occurring at all!)
My wife and I are starting out with an expat/repat forum that will contain useful and important information - information that we'd like to be available for all subsequent visitors, for the life of the site. I'm all for users editing their posts, but I think putting a time limit on it is a reasonable way of maintaining a thread's coherency.
I'm no PHP wizard, so any baby-steps anyone could provide would be great (I'm an XHTML/CSS guy).
Thanks for a great forum product! I stumbled across it when out looking for something less bloated than The Usual Suspects (vB, phpBB, and IPB) and won't be looking back anytime soon!