(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

just insert the table code above all the other tables


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

open the style page you are using and change this:

BODY { background-color: #FFFFFF }

So it looks like:

BODY { background-color: #FFFFFF
margin-left: 0px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;

Also edit your template file there are some cellspacing properties you could edit


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hello im creating a script that uses the punnbb cookies and login system

I start the file with this:
$pun_root = './';
require './include/common.php';
require './header.php';
And end it with
require './footer.php';

No i want to use if and else statements that use the cookie.

(cookie says that users is a guest)
echo "Please login to use this section"


all the scripts code

Can you guys tell me where i can find this cookie information or how to what the code is?


(35 replies, posted in Feature requests)

You could make the new message thing optional in the next release and let the user deside if its to much mysql usages or not? Because I really love your forum. I only added the private message mod and the only thing that I miss is the new message system the way i like it to be database driven and accurate.

would it really matter so much? can you give me a number of seconds per 1000 users?

I noticed that the new message option shows posts since last visit, I would like a option that replaces that function with a real new messages system that only shows the ! in front of messages that the user hasn't read yet so when the user has read it the sign will dissapear.

is this possible? or isn't it? would it be alot of work and how it work?

I have little php skills but i understand scripts a little and i now how they work.

I thought of a system:

1: add a field to the users table called "unreadmessages" (or something like that)
2: Everetime a message is post on the board write "the message "id" or something like that" to all the users their "unreadmessages" field.
3: replace the original unread messages coding with something that checks if the post id is in the "unreadmessages" field if so add the "! image" in front of the forum and in front of the messages that are new.
If the post is read some kind of code should remove the message id from the "unreadmessages" field.

Please feel free to ask me if anything if something isn't clear to you.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Hi guys i allready posted some questions on this board about modifiying punnbb and intergratting it in my site and here is the result www.battleboard.nl.
Please dont login unless your a dutch gamer:)  I'm not yet ready white the site. The layout has to change, and i need more scripts and i need to intergrate them in my site. If i have further questions ill post them here so i wont have to  post alot of topics:) Feedback is also wanted:)

Well ive been trying that also and its hard. I just zwitched to this login en use i across my whole site i'm also gonna try to modificate additional scripts so they work on the punnbb login


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

okay this I can work with but is it possible include something here? with the php function include I mean and if so what would be the code? the thing i want to include is head.php and its located in the root of my site. ???


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hi guys,

I have a problem...

I want to remove the header above my forum. Because I want to insert my own header. But there is also vital code in the header so my question is how can I remove the things that the header outputs in the browser.

this stuff:
PunBB.org Forums
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Thank you verry much, I was thinking to difficult with set variables, like phpbb does sad I never thought of just finding the code ahref smile I was afraid it was hardcoded into the database.

Hello ive installed punbb and I,ve renamed the index.php to forum.php. (I have my reasons for this, so don't ask me why or how I can get around the problem, I just want to fix it:)

There are 2 errors that occur when i do that.

the first link in the nav menu, the home link doenst lead back to forum.php but index.php I,ve found were the code for that link was and altered it. It works

But there's another link to the index.php and i dont know where the code is located. the link is located right above the forum table. on this site it is:
PunBB.org Forums 

Can somebody tell what file I have to change to make the link lead back to forum.php instead of index.php?

And do you guys know more links in the board that lead back to index.php?