I installed it, works well for me (IE and FF). Thanks...
1 2005-12-10 21:22
Re: AJAX post preview 1.0.1 (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
2 2005-10-04 19:11
Re: Easy Poll - 1.1.3 (224 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Seems to work on my site: RSS.
There's at least one poll in there.
3 2005-10-04 18:28
Re: Easy Poll - 1.1.3 (224 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Yeah, but what did you hack? I have the same prob, and i'm not the greatest php-programer :s
I'm not a PHP guy by any means, but I think this works. Change the sql query to:
SELECT p.id AS id, p.message AS message, p.posted AS postposted, t.subject AS subject, f.forum_name, c.cat_name, pls.id as pollid
FROM ".$db->prefix."posts p
LEFT JOIN ".$db->prefix."topics t
ON p.topic_id=t.id
left join ".$db->prefix."polls pls on pls.pollid=t.id
INNER JOIN ".$db->prefix."forums AS f
ON f.id=t.forum_id
LEFT JOIN ".$db->prefix."categories AS c
ON f.cat_id = c.id
LEFT JOIN ".$db->prefix."forum_perms AS fp
And change the line in function putPost to this:
if ($cur['pollid'] == null)
$link = $pun_config['o_base_url'].'/viewtopic.php?pid='.strval($cur['id']).'#'.strval($cur['id']);
$link = $pun_config['o_base_url'].'/viewpoll.php?pid='.strval($cur['id']).'#'.strval($cur['id']);
4 2005-10-04 15:10
Re: Easy Poll - 1.1.3 (224 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
The part you quoted me on above is the rss.php part, which I have not modified yet. I was hoping someone else would do it for me because I'm lazy.
5 2005-10-03 02:22
Re: Easy Poll - 1.1.3 (224 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
BTW, this seems to be working just fine with 1.2.8.
Edit: one thing I'd like to see included in this at some point (or maybe someone has already hacked it) deals with using rss.php. If I click the link in my rss feed, polls still direct me to viewtopic.php instead of viewpoll.php.
Edit 2: af3's change above works just fine. For some reason my file didn't save the first time; I put that code fix back in place and now everything is peachy.
6 2005-09-30 20:46
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
the one thing your missing is your going to have to go metric some time, and the longer you wait the more it costs (its like the ultimate debt tongue with the ultimate interest rate to go with it)
And what you appear to be missing:
You have a car. Its not the best, but it works. The government says if you spend $1,000,000 for a hydrogen-powered car you'll pay less for fuel in the long run. Are you going to drive your current (paid-for) gas guzzler and milk it as long as you can, or go into debt up to your eyeballs and make the upgrade because its the right thing to do?
Again... I still haven't said it would be a bad thing for USA to go metric. I'm on your side so you guys are preaching to the choir.
7 2005-09-30 00:50
Re: PunBB Favicon (17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
File under: Somewhat Related
I found this a while back. Pretty slick little online .ico maker that I've used from time to time.
8 2005-09-29 19:54
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
You're 100% correct, although its still going to cost us billions if not trillions up-front to correct, and for that reason I don't see it happening any time soon. So we've come full circle in this debate.
9 2005-09-29 17:03
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
Your point obviously being that humans make mistakes?
10 2005-09-29 16:17
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
you can't really tell us its impossible
Please indicate where/when I said that it was. Has the UK completely switched over?
11 2005-09-29 15:46
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
I think I'm done here because you're obviously missing my point. Keep in mind, I've never once said converting to metric would be a bad idea. I'm only saying that the up-front cost to do so at present is considerable, and is probably the biggest reason why we haven't done so already. Its a gradual process and we'll eventually get there (Coke, Pepsi, etc. come in 1 and 2 liter bottles, for instance), but expecting us to switch over night is insanity.
12 2005-09-29 12:44
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
I think those of you who continue to say "yeah right, the other 95% of us should switch" are missing my point. I never said you should change to our system. I merely stated a fact: the overwhelming cost to change 300 million people over to the metric system would not be a trivial task and would cost billions.
Suck it up. It is what it is and likely won't change until China takes over the world.
13 2005-09-28 21:25
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
You guys keep insisting that our systems of measure are "non-trivial" to "figure out" and that's only because we're "Americans" and "used to it". Does the reverse not apply? Someone says to me "its 100 meters away", I have no idea how far that is. Put yourself in our shoes, try switching everything you do to pounds, feet, inches, etc. for a week and let us know how it goes. Now multiply that by 300 million. Then consider the cost and ask yourself why we haven't made the switch.
14 2005-09-27 20:37
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well, yes, but don't you think it's time to move on?
Absolutely! Can we can count on you to foot the bill for migrating 300 million people and all their rulers, roadsigns, computers, etc. to the Metric System? I'm sure the one-time cost will be negligible.
15 2005-09-16 04:06
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
The meter, quite obviously, is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 of a second.
Now that, sir, was funny.
16 2005-09-16 04:05
Re: International date format (48 replies, posted in General discussion)
The UK (Imperial) System of Measurement:
Length """""" 12 inches = 1 foot 3 feet = 1 yard 22 yards = 1 chain 10 chains = 1 furlong 8 furlongs = 1 mile 5280 feet = 1 mile 1760 yards = 1 mile
Isn't this a carry-over from days of yore when a foot was *about* the length of someone's foot, a yard was *about* the length of a man's arm, etc? So its not like someone just chose arbitrary numbers for those measurements.
Bassguy wrote:It's what I grew up with, so it makes the most sense to me.
That's the problem. You all grew up with it and therefore it makes sense to you. To the rest of us (all 6.1 billion), it makes no sense at all
Driving on the left side of the road doesn't make any sense to me, either, but some of you wacky Europeans do it anyway.
As far as the date thing goes, I think it sounds silly to say "eleventh of September" when I can just say "September eleventh". I guess that's just my "confused shorty language" getting in the way, though.
17 2005-09-14 18:16
Topic: melokiy@hotmail.com (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
Has anyone else had a problem with this individual.?
18 2005-07-14 20:22
Re: RSS Feed (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
I've searched around out here a bit, but haven't really come across a concrete solution for this.
What is the preferred/best method for exporting the first N chars of a post via RSS feed, vs. just the topic headline and who composed it (default behavior)?
19 2005-07-11 18:03
Re: RSS Feed (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Good deal. So the only way to get at a non-public forum via RSS feed is if you have the uid/pwd of someone in the user group assigned to the private forum, correct?
20 2005-07-11 17:43
Topic: RSS Feed (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
I created a 'private' forum, but I have a public RSS feed available on my index page. The private forum is only viewable by a certain user group. Without digging through the code, it appears that the RSS feed does not pick up my private forum, but I wanted to make sure that's really the case and there isn't some sort of hack you can use in whatever is building the feed to get at the content of what I would like to keep private.
Does this make sense?
21 2004-12-21 04:06
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
jabba the hutt
22 2004-12-21 00:58
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
23 2004-11-23 18:27
Re: 1.2 (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Sweet. I'll check it out tonight after work.
24 2004-11-23 05:32
Topic: Your 5 Favorite Movies (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
Mine, in no particular order:
"Big Trouble in Little China"
"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
"Fight Club"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark"
25 2004-11-23 05:21
Re: Presentations (32 replies, posted in General discussion)
Name: dave
Age: 29
Location: sioux falls, sd, usa
Occupation: software developer, banking industry
Interests: movies, music, firearms, aquaria, programming