Well ... aparently the problem is no longer happening.  Never mind.

Guh.. sorry  http://www.msugamers.net/forum/

Rickard wrote:

Are you sure it's not a mod or something? I get the feeling common.php is included twice.

Oh wow, I can't believe I hardly described the problem.  Sorry 'bout that.  This error comes when I try to search the forums.  After typing anything into the keyword box and hitting search I get this error page.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare stripslashes_array() (previously declared in
/home/www/htdocs/msupcg/msugamers/forum/include/common.php:55) in 
/home/www/htdocs/msupcg/msugamers/forum/include/common.php on line 55

Anyone heard of this one?  I recently upgraded php from 4.3.10 -> 4.3.11 but I don't know how that would hurt anything.  Does this make sense? punbb v. 1.2.5


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hmm, site seems a little old and crusty.  Have you used this before?  Their demo appears to be down and news hasn't been posted since 2003...


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

PunBB is awesome. The code is clean, the html is standards-based, and the use of CSS is beautiful ;-) 

I've been looking for a webmail client to replace squirrelmail and I can't help but think about how much I like punbb and how similar the two applications really are!  I've been floating around the open source world for a couple years and would like to get into development on a new open source project.

Can any of you guys recommend an alternative to squirrelmail that is as easy to use as punbb?  If not wanna get together and build one?