First off, I applaud your Excellent idea for this script: "KISS - Keep it simple stupid!"
You've done a great job at deciding what should and shouldn't be a feature for your application. I can't imagine that it is easy to say no all the time to all of those requests, but keep it up! ...well, except for my requests! 
I've tried a few different BB systems and they had one of two problems:
1) WAAAAAY too many features. The installation, setup, and learning curve for an admin was incredibly too long. Sure, some of those other apps are fine for people who run businesses that live and die by their forums, but that isn't what all of us are looking for. When I hit download on PunBB I was so happy to see that it was only 196 kb!
2) The other "small" BB systems don't have the same look and feel of the "big guys" which makes it difficult for many users to navigate when they are use to using the other forums.
PunBB is a perfect middle point between those two extreames... I just wish I would have found it before I wasted my life and my server resources on those other programs!