Sirenic wrote:

It's called "php subsilver"

It's really nice... I want it on my punbb forums

php_subsilver is the basic style for phpBB not PunBB  smile

Check someone may of converted it big_smile

I have version 1.3.4 you should rely upgrade unless you have a load of plug-ins. Themes are much easier to install however there is not as many.

Style installer plug-in for your current PunBB

How to manually install a theme.
Im not to sure on that one, Ill get back to you. Personally I only tried a basic 1.2 as a test forum to se if it was worth downgrading and tbh it wasn't.  smile

Hope I helped.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I don't think that's possible due to the fact that [code formats everything inside to basic text. You would have to open up the BB parser and look around.  hmm


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

Have you coded it your self, if so PM me the coed and ill see whats wrong.

There must be a line in the code like if(session[guest] == true); header(" blah blah blah
you know something along the lines of that


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

If you mean like telling you how many hits your page has and where from, use google analytics.

If its for a forum there's an extention somewhere for 1.3.4


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Isnt there

etc? It is an array after all.  neutral