(0 replies, posted in Programming)

Hi all smile

I'm trying to rewrite punbb forum thinking search engine optimisation.

I saw the .htaccess of the punBB 1.3 but they are some things that can be better for search engines.

For exemple, it have no interest to have an viewtopic-5.php url for ranking a webpage.
But an url like :
is very pretty and useful for our friends the crawler.

I'll manage to rewrite all the forum but now i try to make better some details of the rewrite.
I hope i will can post all this stuff quickly here.

I need some informations to follow this work, it's the difference in viewtopic.php with the variable :
- $id
- $pid
- $pid=xxxx#pxxxx

For me, $id is the id of the topic.
$pid is the number of the post (join to topic i suppose in database)
$pid#p is the anchor of a post in topic where i fall directly in the number of the post ...(hmm ok ? tongue)

Can you say me if that is correct ?

Very thanks for this stuff Rickards !

That's it !!

Big thx Paul !


And first, thx for this very cool board !
I have managed to integrate the board in my website (technical support users).

All is okay with this build, even the color and position with css. I have only one problem :

In viewtopic.php, posts are separated in two columns (postleft and postright both in a box and inbox class).
Normally, the float:left is used for postleft and postright take the rest of the place.

Integrated in my website, all is okay under Firefox and Mozilla, but with IE, there is a problem, the postright don't take place at right of the postleft but under it. You can see the bug here : http://faq.easyclic.fr/viewtopic.php?pid=3

I have try more solutions, even a clear:both or put a negative margin to post right, an positive to postleft, this second solutions works to move this two elements but not as perfect as the initial PunBB.

Thanks you very much for you help.

Okay i manage to solve the problem, i have put the pun_categories tables without the auto_increment for `id` column during the execution of the migrate tools.

After all is ok, tools works very well here, i go in id.pun_categories, delete the id ("0","-","0") (i don't know why this was created ..) and put the id column to auto_increment !!

My board works perfectly now !!
Thx to the developpers, PunBB is magic wink

I have tried to another hosting to test if it was a problem with advanced configuration of the server. But i have exactly the same error that the first hosting :

An error was encountered
File: /home/taggle/www/punbb/converter/functions.php
Line: 40

Converter reported: Unable to save to database.

Query: INSERT INTO `taggle`.punbbcategories (id,cat_name,disp_position) VALUES('1','Google','2')

Database reported: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)

Again, is a documentation can be readable to understand how migrate only the post of my old invision board to my new PunBB.

Thx for you reply.

I have forward my dump sql and error message to Chacmool by mail. I wait his reply, but i think that he must be more busy and i understand perfectly that wink

Hi, i have download and install the PunBB Migration Tools to my server, but for, i don't know wich reason, the migration doesn't work.
I have send a mail to Chacmool, thx to him to reply me, and we don't know from where is the problem.

So to migrate my board, i want to know if it possible to explain me the source code of the migration tools to take only the part of the code to migrate posts  ?

Thx for you reply !

And greets for this job, PunBB is perfect !