Sorry for double posting, but there is no edit button o.O

Slinackt wrote:

in the extensions subforum, you'll see [extension request] [extension release], while in support subforum, you'll see [help] and simmilar tags...

I just saw that pun_tags does this.

Then, is it possible to choose where the Tags are going to appear? (hiding from index and stuff)

Thanks for example, but:

Is it possible to only display tags from their respective subforum?
(instead of all tags appearing in the index)

I mean: in the extensions subforum, you'll see [extension request] [extension release], while in support subforum, you'll see [help] and simmilar tags...

Is it possible with pun_tags?

I already took a look at pun_tags' wiki article, but I can't see if that's really what I'm looking for...
Maybe you know any forum using that extension?

Hi there,
These days I started imagining this new extension... Topic labels, just like those labels from gmail.
And maybe a filter, to select which labels to display smile

labels like [extension release], [extension request], [help] which could be set by the admin and later could be selected by users while creating new topics...

Is it possible that you guys code something like this?

Thanks for attention (: