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Paul wrote:cats_five: Take a look here
Is that what you had in mind. Believe it or not it took all of 30 seconds to do. The fix is just a stylesheet change, neither the current verion nor the the new verion of PunBB set font sizes in the markup partly to cater for situations such as this and developing stylesheets for people with colour blindness etc.
I did find & download that. I also had a fiddle with the stylesheet and altered the font-size definitions so it resizes. Was very impressed with the document BTW - thought it was very clear about what style is applied where. Will it updated it for v1.2?
Rickard wrote:cats_five wrote:From my 1.1.5 download:
case 'mysql':
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$db_prefix."subscriptions (
$queries[] = 'CREATE INDEX '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions_user_id_idx ON '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions(user_id)';
$queries[] = 'CREATE INDEX '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions_topic_id_idx ON '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions(topic_id)';
Is this something that's amended in V1.2? Plus unless MySQL is different to other databases, there would be no need for the index on 'user_id' if there is one on 'user_id, topic_id'. Also in a *large* database it is possible that a unique one on 'topic_id, user_id' would be preferable. Have come across problems in databases with this kind of key if the distribution of data is very perverse.
Well, you posted this in the PunBB 1.2 topic so I assumed you were talking about 1.2. The situation has been remedied in 1.2 where there's one index on both columns (the primary key) instead of one on each.
OK, I'll take myself out and shot myself. Sorry.
Paul wrote:cats_five wrote: the text is mighty small on my monitor - but I the 'View->TextSize' doesn't increase it... Well - I can read it. But this is an acessibility issue in that the size must be fixed instead of relative. I suspect that's just down to the stylesheet.
The text in 1.2 is sizeable in IE. If you want the default to be bigger then its just two items in the stylesheet to change the base font size (one for IE which is a percent and one for decent browsers which is pixels). All the other text is relative so it will just scale up. The default is currently 65%/10px. My personal preference is for 70%/11px. If you want really big sizes in IE then change the percentage for x-small etc.
Of course people who use decent browsers don't have any problem with the current version of PunBB ![smile](
Is the fix in 1.2 down to a stylesheet change? If so, could a 1.2 stylesheet be used with 1.1.5? Accessibility & the DDA (I'm in the UK) is becoming a hot topic in some other conferences I use - the people there *expect* a good web page to respond to resizing via the browser. I also know a guy with a high spinal lesion (so high it was almost terminal) and the use of his hands & arms is greatly impaired - he cannot do the fine mouse control necessary to hit the correct page link. He also types - slowly - with a pencil grasped in his hand.
Thought most people *using* BBs (e.g. not the developers) are also using IE of some version... I guess PunBB could be amended to track what browser is actually being used. I keep that information for a web site of mine, and although there are some wierd & wonderful ones out there it's mostly IE5 & IE6. Am hopeing to put a BB out to another website with a similar set of users, though since 1.2 seems quite close might wait for that to arrive.
Rickard wrote:cats_five wrote:Secondly I suspect there's a missing primary key on subscriptsion( user_id, topic_id)
Are you sure? From the installation script:
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$db_prefix."subscriptions (
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, topic_id)
cats_five wrote:thirdly I though a little renaming of the various 'id' columns might be in order so that (e.g.) subscriptions.topic_id joins to topics.topic_id instead of In my view this would make the database more self-documenting.
This really is a matter of taste. Personally, I make it a habit to not include the table name in primary keys such as id in topics. For me, a column named id is obviously the primary key identifier for that table.
From my 1.1.5 download:
case 'mysql':
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$db_prefix."subscriptions (
$queries[] = 'CREATE INDEX '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions_user_id_idx ON '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions(user_id)';
$queries[] = 'CREATE INDEX '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions_topic_id_idx ON '.$db_prefix.'subscriptions(topic_id)';
Is this something that's amended in V1.2? Plus unless MySQL is different to other databases, there would be no need for the index on 'user_id' if there is one on 'user_id, topic_id'. Also in a *large* database it is possible that a unique one on 'topic_id, user_id' would be preferable. Have come across problems in databases with this kind of key if the distribution of data is very perverse.
As you say, the column names are a matter of taste. Yes it's clear that id is the primary key - what's not so clear is what the master for a foreign key is when all the masters are called 'id'....
hcgtv wrote:cats_five wrote:I downloaded it yesterday and being the sort of person I am documented the database schema.
Did you look at the docs? The schema is already documented.
I spent a lot of time looking for the documentation. None in the 1.1.5 download I got the other day, and couldn't find any at the site. Presumably I am blind... Or am I?
hcgtv wrote:cats_five wrote:I downloaded it yesterday and being the sort of person I am documented the database schema.
Did you look at the docs? The schema is already documented.
Doh! But doing it for myself usually helps me understand better than reading about it!
OK folks. Two comments on this BB as it stands:
1) the text is mighty small on my monitor - but I the 'View->TextSize' doesn't increase it... Well - I can read it. But this is an acessibility issue in that the size must be fixed instead of relative. I suspect that's just down to the stylesheet.
2) This is partly an issue because with the text being so small, positioning the mouse accuratly is more demanding than usual, but having '<' and '>' for next & previous page links would be nice. Maybe this can be done in the template - maybe this is a newbie asking for what already exists...
3) After making a post I end up at the last page in the forum instead of the one I was one. So I have to go back to where I was... Maybe more of a problem here because it's a long thread and I was commenting on early posts - but one of those 'wouldnt it be nice' kind of things...
Rickard wrote:I'm flattered you like the code. The trick behind writing code that other people enjoy reading is consistency. It doesn't really matter where you put your curly braces as long as you always put them in the same spot ![smile](
True, true - but your indentation is also consistent and you put the curley brackets where *I* like them to be put! I've not read much of it - yet - but what I have read was clear and easily understood.
hcgtv wrote:Todd wrote:It's just clean!
"There are two ways of constructing a software design; one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult." ~C. A. R. Hoare~
The real problem is both making it simple *and* getting it to perform. 3rd normal form is a great starting point, but when there are tens of millions of rows in a table and summations of them are frequently required some denormalisation *has* to be done to get the performance the customers want.
Rickard wrote:shayne wrote:I keep getting fatal exception errors, but its spradic, like sometimes i get it, then i will go for a day or 2, then bam, its showing up again, probably just my install (i havent tried 5.0 yet, just the first 2 RCs)
Thats odd. Are you running Apache 1.3 or 2.0?
shayne wrote:Stored procs are evil
They tend to marry you to a server, having worked for a company who sells contract management software that sells for $500K+ (clients include Microsoft, HP, Blizzard), i can tell ya that they cause more problems then they are worth.
How is that? Stored procs have the advantage of separating database logic from actual code. If anything, I would say triggers are a pain in the butt. At least during development.
shayne wrote:Im talking even SUBSELECTS!!! triggers and functions would be excellent as well. Ive used MSSQL for sooooooo long, that i miss the more advanced features,
Functions would be nice, I agree. However, I don't think subselects are the holy grail. Pretty much all queries that involve subselects can be executed with the aid of some creative JOINs instead. The results is almost always faster. Subselects have a tendency to make developers lazy ![smile](
I have come across database (not MySQL!) where exporting them when the built-in tool to do it isn't working (hence the need to export to reimport and fix the system catalogues) is nigh on impossible without a lot of care and effort as the correct creation order for tables, views, triggers & stored procedures is *very* hard to determine. Indeed where there's been a lot of activity it might be possible to create a loop...
I downloaded it yesterday and being the sort of person I am documented the database schema.
Firstly I can upload or let the appropriate person have this document.
Secondly I suspect there's a missing primary key on subscriptsion( user_id, topic_id)
thirdly I though a little renaming of the various 'id' columns might be in order so that (e.g.) subscriptions.topic_id joins to topics.topic_id instead of In my view this would make the database more self-documenting. I do intend construcing an ER Diagram to add to the document, but haven't done that yet. At the moment the next tasks are another go at getting my new homebuild PC to boot, and doing some reading about CSS!
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