anyone got a tutorial on how to color usernames like Reines tutorial
I could really use
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PunBB Forums → Posts by cows
anyone got a tutorial on how to color usernames like Reines tutorial
I could really use
ooo this looks good!
Ill try it now
im trying to make a link like on this site
i want a downloads thing like his
so guests cant see it and it will update with other people displays ect..
can someone help
i really could use this
so just change this to this
<title>Page title</title>
Page body
echo "
<title>Page title</title>
Page body
and then im done???
i still really dont get it
could you make a sample code so that i could look at it??
i need it so that it has the bar with this kinda stuff Index User list Rules Search Profile Logout
go to
i want something like the downloads thing
could you kinda guide me on a project like this??
Is there a way to do that??
Or is there an easy php generater to make webpages out of php??
cause im dumb
also where is the link for punpoll that works with 1.2???
what is .ext
can i use the php file still???
i get this error when clicking on install_mod.php
The constant PUN_ROOT must be defined and point to a valid PunBB installation root directory.
i just installed the PM message system and that worked fine
ahh i c
ok so at the start of this
1 = <a href="index.php
a line break is like an enter right???
and then if i want another one do i change to 1 to 2?
hold on ill show you what i was doing
ok so im trying to add links at the top of my webpage and its not working worth crapp
thank you
trying it right now
i cant download
says page gone or whatever
tried save target as to
ok tahks paul!!
i will be using your software soon
I am thinking of getting a host from these people but im not sure if these forums will work... Wil you take a look???
i dont think it is... punbb is php based right?????
i thought u had to add them like old version
o i c
lol i havent downloaded yet but im going to
is this the code that i should delete if idont want the version on the bottom???
<?php if ($pun_config['o_show_version'] == '1') echo ' '.$pun_config['o_cur_version']; ?>
is that all the code??
anyone got this for 1.2???
so where is the readme now??? Anyone got one?
link busted:(:(:(
PunBB Forums → Posts by cows
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