It's all in the vbulletin code so asking their support forums for help could prove more fruitful.
52 2005-01-01 17:47
Re: Login Detection (11 replies, posted in Programming)
If nothing sets that $bbuserinfo then it will be false all the time. Do you have the code to read the user data from the database in the file?
53 2005-01-01 08:42
Re: Login Detection (11 replies, posted in Programming)
If you check if ($userid) I think it's always false (except the rare case of user id being 1). I think you should check if(isset($bbuserinfo['userid'])) instead. I don't think if(isset($userid)) works either because you actually set it there.
54 2004-12-31 21:50
Re: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to the world (21 replies, posted in General discussion)
8 minutes here.
55 2004-12-31 16:56
Re: I need help (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Too bad I didn't get here earlier.
Try EasyPHP: . It's basically n*next + finish installer for all the apps you need (Apache, PHP, MySQL) in Windows environment. Be sure to pick the right language in the installer as I picked French. The language is easy to change later though.
The website you create should be somewhere near C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-7\home depending on your installation options and you can access it with your browser at http://localhost. The rest of the options are explained in the easyphp site and the accompanying files.