Slavok wrote:

First of all, you need to check the value of the $base_url variable in the "<FORUM_ROOT>/config.php" file.

OK, thanks, it was missing somehow.
Problem seems solved.

Thanks for the hint

Is there nobody who has any idea why my forum builds its URL's for admin functions wrong?


Recently, my provider upgraded their PHP to 5.3.1
As I was getting problems with "set_magic_quotes_runtime" function, I decided to upgrade my PunBB 1.2.19 to 1.3.4
All went well, including dbs upgrade.
Now the forum works and is operational, but I cannot do any administration on it.

When I click Administration on top, I get this:

When I try to click any link on that page, I get an error: Web page not found.
Strangely the URL tries to go to forumroot/admin/admin/...
For example the link to Settings point to … tion=setup

I tried reinstalling from scratch, but that did not help.
Any ideas?