I echo the sentiments of the 2 posts above. After trying out Rickard's news plugin which works as documented, I do believe PunNewz for 1.2 would better suit my needs.
1 2005-01-17 03:57
Re: PunNewz (60 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
2 2005-01-16 07:34
Re: PunBB 1.2 (142 replies, posted in News)
Ok tested it, and as buzzkill comments - worked like a charm here too Except that it won't auto-generate new topics ... Is this the finished product, Rickard? I do hope it's a draft ...
3 2005-01-15 04:40
Re: The new website (137 replies, posted in News)
Hmm, don't mean to bug you Rickard; you have already done a great job on PunBB 1.2 ... just another reminder on your highly-anticipated news plugin
4 2005-01-14 01:53
Re: The new website (137 replies, posted in News)
Oh shit! You have to remind me. I forgot
LOL ... You remind me of a close buddy: Absolutely brilliant, but oh-so-forgetful!
5 2005-01-13 10:12
Re: The new website (137 replies, posted in News)
Excellent, Rickard! I've been literally glued to this subject within the forum since I installed PunBB less than 24 hours ago Can't wait, and I suspect quite a few others feel the same too!
6 2005-01-13 08:08
Re: PunNewz (60 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Alright thanks for your swift reply Connorhd; much appreciated!
7 2005-01-13 06:16
Re: The new website (137 replies, posted in News)
The website uses my homegrown news plugin that will be released shortly. It's dead simple, but it does the job.
Rickard, just a note to show my appreciation for what I think is the easiest forum script to use for a total PHP idiot that I am. That said, I'm very, very eager to implement just what you did with the new PunBB website. Are you still considering releasing your news plugin?
I've tried using externnews.php but it's not working for me ... My post for this problem here.
8 2005-01-13 06:04
Re: PunNewz (60 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Excuse my ineptness but I'm by far knowledgeable in PHP ...
I've copied the externnews.php file onto my forum root, but cannot get it to work. It just shows this:
There is no valid language pack '' installed. Please check $language setting in config.php.
Where'd I go wrong? FYI, my PunBB is a clean install (1.2) with all settings on default.