(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

I've been searching the forums on how to integrate punbb with my current site's login and registration system.  I've successfully integrated the registrations, but I can't get the login process to integrate.  I am trying to have users login at mysite.com, and have them automatically logged in to mysite.com/punbb.  I've tried adapting the code found here: http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … and-punbb/.

I can log in via my site, but it won't log in to the punbb forums.  Here is my entire code:


defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
//Punbb code
define('FORUM_ROOT', './punbb/');

class LoginController extends Controller { 
    public $helpers = array('form');
    private $openIDReturnTo;
    public function on_start() {
        $this->error = Loader::helper('validation/error');
            $this->set('uNameLabel', t('Email Address'));
        } else {
            $this->set('uNameLabel', t('Username'));
        if (strlen($_GET['uName'])) { // pre-populate the username if supplied
        $this->openIDReturnTo = BASE_URL . View::url("/login", "complete_openid"); 
    /* automagically run by the controller once we're done with the current method */
    /* method is passed to this method, the method that we were just finished running */
    public function on_before_render() {
        if ($this->error->has()) {
            $this->set('error', $this->error);
    public function complete_openid_email() {
        $email = $this->post('uEmail');
        $vals = Loader::helper('validation/strings');
        $valc = Loader::helper('concrete/validation');
        if (!$vals->email($email)) {
            $this->error->add(t('Invalid email address provided.'));
        } else if (!$valc->isUniqueEmail($email)) {
            $this->error->add(t("The email address %s is already in use. Please choose another.", $_POST['uEmail']));
        if (!$this->error->has()) {
            // complete the openid record with the provided email
            if (isset($_SESSION['uOpenIDRequested'])) {
                $oa = new OpenIDAuth();
                $ui = $oa->registerUser($_SESSION['uOpenIDRequested'], $email);
    public function view() {
    private function clearOpenIDSession() {
    public function complete_openid() {
        $v = Loader::helper('validation/numbers');
        $oa = new OpenIDAuth();
        $response = $oa->getResponse();
        if ($response->code == OpenIDAuth::E_CANCEL) {
            $this->error->add(t('OpenID Verification Cancelled'));
        } else if ($response->code == OpenIDAuth::E_FAILURE) {
            $this->error->add(t('OpenID Authentication Failed: %s', $response->message));
        } else {
            switch($response->code) {
                case OpenIDAuth::S_USER_CREATED:
                case OpenIDAuth::S_USER_AUTHENTICATED:
                    if ($v->integer($response->message)) {
                case OpenIDAuth::E_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_INCOMPLETE:
                    // we don't have an email address, but the account is valid
                    // valid display identifier comes back in message
                    $_SESSION['uOpenIDRequested'] = $response->message;
                    $_SESSION['uOpenIDError'] = OpenIDAuth::E_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_INCOMPLETE;
                case OpenIDAuth::E_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_EXISTS:
                    // an email address came back with us from the openid server
                    // but that email already exists
                    $_SESSION['uOpenIDRequested'] = $response->openid;
                    $_SESSION['uOpenIDExistingUser'] = $response->user;
                    $_SESSION['uOpenIDError'] = OpenIDAuth::E_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_EXISTS;
        $this->set('oa', $oa);        
    public function account_deactivated() {
        $this->error->add(t('This user is inactive. Please contact us regarding this account.'));
    public function do_login() { 
        $ip = Loader::helper('validation/ip');
        $vs = Loader::helper('validation/strings');
        try {
            if (!$ip->check()) {                
                throw new Exception($ip->getErrorMessage());
            if (OpenIDAuth::isEnabled() && $vs->notempty($this->post('uOpenID'))) {
                $oa = new OpenIDAuth();
                $return = $oa->request($this->post('uOpenID'));
                $resp = $oa->getResponse();
                if ($resp->code == OpenIDAuth::E_INVALID_OPENID) {
                    throw new Exception(t('Invalid OpenID.'));
            if ((!$vs->notempty($this->post('uName'))) || (!$vs->notempty($this->post('uPassword')))) {
                    throw new Exception(t('An email address and password are required.'));
                } else {
                    throw new Exception(t('A username and password are required.'));
            $u = new User($this->post('uName'), $this->post('uPassword'));
            if ($u->isError()) {
                switch($u->getError()) {
                    case USER_NON_VALIDATED:
                        throw new Exception(t('This account has not yet been validated. Please check the email associated with this account and follow the link it contains.'));
                    case USER_INVALID:
                        if (USER_REGISTRATION_WITH_EMAIL_ADDRESS) {
                            throw new Exception(t('Invalid email address or password.'));
                        } else {
                            throw new Exception(t('Invalid username or password.'));                        
                    case USER_INACTIVE:
                        throw new Exception(t('This user is inactive. Please contact us regarding this account.'));
            } else {
                if (OpenIDAuth::isEnabled() && $_SESSION['uOpenIDExistingUser'] > 0) {
                    $oa = new OpenIDAuth();
                    if ($_SESSION['uOpenIDExistingUser'] == $u->getUserID()) {
                        // the account we logged in with is the same as the existing user from the open id. that means
                        // we link the account to open id and keep the user logged in.
                        $oa->linkUser($_SESSION['uOpenIDRequested'], $u);
                    } else {
                        // The user HAS logged in. But the account they logged into is NOT the same as the one
                        // that links to their OpenID. So we log them out and tell them so.
                        throw new Exception(t('This account does not match the email address provided.'));

//Punbb Code
include 'punbb/include/common.php';    //Include this file so that $pun_user['is_guest'] can be used and that (some?) functions from punbb/include/functions.php can also be used in this script

if (($websitelogin==true) && ($forum_user['is_guest'])) {

 $username =$this->post('uEmail');  //Get the username of the logged in user and put it in a variable     ($user->Username comes from code from the website which is intended to get login integration with punbb through this script)
    $queryFromPunbb = "SELECT * FROM pun1_users WHERE username='$username'";    //get the row with the id from the logged in user. This id is the primary key of the punbb_users table in the punbb database
    $result = mysql_query($queryFromPunbb, $conn) or die (mysql_error());    //Run the query
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error());    //Put the result of the query in an array called $row  
    $user_id = $row['id'];    //Put the id from the $row array into the variable $user_id
    $hashedPassword = forum_hash($this->post('uPassword'));    //hash the user's password using the punbb hash function 
    $expirationTime = time()+24*60*60;
    forum_setcookie($user_id, $hashedPassword, $expirationTime); //Set the punBB cookie, which is called punbb_cookie


                $loginData['msg']=t('Login Successful');    
                $loginData['uID'] = intval($u->getUserID());
                if($_REQUEST['remote'] && intval($_REQUEST['timestamp'])){ 
                    $loginData['auth_token'] =     UserInfo::generateAuthToken( $u->getUserName(), intval($_REQUEST['timestamp']) );
                    //is this user in a support group? 
                    foreach( RemoteMarketplaceHelper::getSupportGroups() as $group){


                    $loginData['in_support_group'] = intval($inValidSupportGroup);

            $loginData = $this->finishLogin($loginData);

        } catch(Exception $e) {
            if ($ip->signupRequestThreshholdReached()) {
        if( $_REQUEST['format']=='JSON' ){
            echo $jsonHelper->encode($loginData);


    protected function finishLogin( $loginData=array() ) {
        $u = new User();
        if ($this->post('uMaintainLogin')) {
        $rcID = $this->post('rcID');
        $nh = Loader::helper('validation/numbers');

        //set redirect url
        if ($nh->integer($rcID)) {
            $nh = Loader::helper('navigation');
            $rc = Page::getByID($rcID);
            $url = $nh->getLinkToCollection($rc, true);
            $loginData['redirectURL'] = $url;
        }elseif( strlen($rcID) ){
            $loginData['redirectURL'] = $rcID;
        //full page login redirect (non-ajax login)
        if( strlen($loginData['redirectURL']) && $_REQUEST['format']!='JSON' ){ 
            header('Location: ' . $loginData['redirectURL']);
        //not sure why there's this second redirect approach, but oh well...
        if ($this->post('redirect') != '' && $this->isValidExternalUrl($this->post('redirect'))) {
        $dash = Page::getByPath("/dashboard", "RECENT");
        $dbp = new Permissions($dash);        
        //End JSON Login
            return $loginData;        
        //should administrator be redirected to dashboard?  defaults to yes if not set. 
        //Full page login, standard redirection            
        if ($loginData['redirectURL']) {
            //make double secretly sure there's no caching going on
            header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
            header("Pragma: no-cache");
            header('Expires: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 14:19:41 GMT'); //in the past        
            $this->externalRedirect( $loginData['redirectURL'] );
        }else if ( $dbp->canRead() && $adminToDash ) {
        } else {
            //options set in dashboard/users/registration
            //redirect to user profile
            if( $login_redirect_mode=='PROFILE' && ENABLE_USER_PROFILES ){             
                $this->redirect( '/profile/', $u->uID );                 
            //redirect to custom page    
            }elseif( $login_redirect_mode=='CUSTOM' && $login_redirect_cid > 0 ){ 
                $redirectTarget = Page::getByID( $login_redirect_cid ); 
                if(intval($redirectTarget->cID)>0) $this->redirect( $redirectTarget->getCollectionPath() );
                else $this->redirect('/home');        
            //redirect home
            }else $this->redirect('/home');

    public function password_sent() {
        $this->set('intro_msg', $this->getPasswordSentMsg() );
    public function getPasswordSentMsg(){
        return t('An email containing instructions on reseting your password has been sent to your account address.');
    public function logout() {
        $u = new User();

    public function forward($cID) {
        $this->set('rcID', $cID);
    // responsible for validating a user's email address
    public function v($hash) {
        $ui = UserInfo::getByValidationHash($hash);
        if (is_object($ui)) {
            $this->set('uEmail', $ui->getUserEmail());
            $this->set('validated', true);
    // responsible for validating a user's email address
    public function change_password($uHash) {
        $db = Loader::db();
        $h = Loader::helper('validation/identifier');
        $e = Loader::helper('validation/error');
        $ui = UserInfo::getByValidationHash($uHash);        
        if (is_object($ui)){
            $hashCreated = $db->GetOne("select uDateGenerated FROM UserValidationHashes where uHash=?", array($uHash));
            if($hashCreated < (time()-(USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL_LIFETIME))) {
                throw new Exception( t('Key Expired. Please visit the forgot password page again to have a new key generated.') );
                    $userHelper = Loader::helper('concrete/user');
                    if(strlen($_POST['uPassword']) && $_POST['uPasswordConfirm']!=$_POST['uPassword']){            
                        $e->add(t('The two passwords provided do not match.'));
                    if (!$e->has()){ 
                        $ui->changePassword( $_POST['uPassword'] );                        
                        $this->set('passwordChanged', true);
                        $u = $ui->getUserObject();
                        $_POST['uName'] =  $u->getUserName();
                        $this->set('uHash', $uHash);
                        $this->set('changePasswordForm', true);                    
                        $this->set('errorMsg', join( '<br>', $e->getList() ) );                    
                    $this->set('uHash', $uHash);
                    $this->set('changePasswordForm', true);
            throw new Exception( t('Invalid Key. Please visit the forgot password page again to have a new key generated.') );
    public function forgot_password() {
        $vs = Loader::helper('validation/strings');
        $em = $this->post('uEmail');
        try {
            if (!$vs->email($em)) {
                throw new Exception(t('Invalid email address.'));
            $oUser = UserInfo::getByEmail($em);
            if (!$oUser) {
                throw new Exception(t('We have no record of that email address.'));
            $mh = Loader::helper('mail');
            //$mh->addParameter('uPassword', $oUser->resetUserPassword());
            $mh->addParameter('uName', $oUser->getUserName());            
            //generate hash that'll be used to authenticate user, allowing them to change their password
            $h = Loader::helper('validation/identifier');
            $uHash = $h->generate('UserValidationHashes', 'uHash');    
            $db = Loader::db();
            $db->Execute("DELETE FROM UserValidationHashes WHERE uID=?", array( $oUser->uID ) );            
            $db->Execute("insert into UserValidationHashes (uID, uHash, uDateGenerated, type) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", array($oUser->uID, $uHash, time(),intval(UVTYPE_CHANGE_PASSWORD)));        
            $changePassURL=BASE_URL . View::url('/login', 'change_password', $uHash);         
            $mh->addParameter('changePassURL', $changePassURL);
            if (defined('EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORGOT_PASSWORD')) {
                $mh->from(EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORGOT_PASSWORD,  t('Forgot Password'));
            } else {
                $adminUser = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
                if (is_object($adminUser)) {
                    $mh->from($adminUser->getUserEmail(),  t('Forgot Password'));
                } else {
                    $mh->from('info@concrete5.org', t('Forgot Password'));

        } catch(Exception $e) {
        if( $_REQUEST['format']=='JSON' ){
            echo $jsonHelper->encode($loginData);
            $this->redirect('/login', 'password_sent');    


I'm using punbb 1.3.4 and trying to integrate with Concrete5 cms.  Thanks to anyone who can help.

Slavok wrote:

First of all, I think, you need to check the file paths.


Checked the file paths, but couldn't find anything out of order.  What stood out to you?  I had to adapt this code for 1.3, hence the reason I changed the PUN_ROOT to FORUM_ROOT, etc.

I know this is bringing up an old post, but I'm hoping someone can help me.  This is the code I've posted into my login.php:

define('FORUM_ROOT', './punbb/');
include 'punbb/include/common.php';    //Include this file so that $pun_user['is_guest'] can be used and that (some?) functions from punbb/include/functions.php can also be used in this script

if (($websitelogin==true) && ($pun_users['is_guest'])) {
    $username = $user->Username;  //Get the username of the logged in user and put it in a variable     ($user->Username comes from code from the website which is intended to get login integration with punbb through this script)
    $queryFromPunbb = "SELECT * FROM pun_users WHERE username='$username'";    //get the row with the id from the logged in user. This id is the primary key of the punbb_users table in the punbb database
    $result = mysql_query($queryFromPunbb, $conn) or die (mysql_error());    //Run the query
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error());    //Put the result of the query in an array called $row  
    $user_id = $row['id'];    //Put the id from the $row array into the variable $user_id
    $hashedPassword = forum_hash($user->password);    //hash the user's password using the punbb hash function 
    $expirationTime = time()+24*60*60;
    forum_setcookie($user_id, $hashedPassword, $expirationTime);  //Set the punBB cookie, which is called punbb_cookie

header("Location: ./punbb"); //send the browser to the /punbb directory
elseif (($websitelogin==true) && !($pun_users['is_guest'])) {
    header("Location: ./punbb"); //send the browser to the /punbb directory
elseif (!($websitelogin) && ($pun_users['is_guest'])) {
    header("Location: ./punbb"); //send the browser to the /punbb directory

When I login from my site, it returns the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function escape() on a non-object in /home/clistaff/celebratelife.org/punbb/include/functions.php on line 1350

Any thoughts?  I'm using v. 1.3
