(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

Theres a google notifyer which when installed sits on the taskbar, and displays how many emails you have, if any, u can then simply double click the icon and it takes you strait to gmail,

Email is a diverse thing, people all use it differently, i myself have 6 email accounts in all, and i use outlook to sync them all with my local machine, i do wish however gmail could retreive the pops, this way i could use gmail as a replacement for outlook, this is good becuase outlook is buggy, and if somethen goes wrong with your pc, you may loose your emails, and have to spend a few mins resetting up outlook, where if gmail could retreive pop, well i could access my email on the go, and if my home pc gets virii or anythen i can format without the concearn of loosing mail because their safe on the gmail servers.


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

What i ment by pop and smpt access is, i wish i could have gmail access my pop and smpt addresses, so i can check all my many email addys via gmail, this would be great, i could then check all my email on the go,

im still scepticle about the whole save ur email dont delete thing

but some emails just arnt ment to be kept, i know u can perminently delete them, but still, if people had a gb of emails, and someone got their pass they could learn alot about someone by reading through it all,


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

where?? i cant find the options


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

I myself still havent used any of my 6 Invites for Gmail, Connorhd originally got me the original invite into gmail, ppl are more then happy to email me at cathelest@cathelest.com requesting a invite, if i get alot, ill prolly just check their accounts here, and see which of them deserve it most. participation wise,

anyways, i wish Gmail had pop and smpt access, but as it doesnt, im better off using my personal addresses, i got many...
and using outlook to access them all.

Anyway, i would also appreciate it if people visited my site, and gave me their opinions, its a CMS in the making,