Fire Fusion wrote:

Something to do with X-Men isn't it?

close. but not quite. smile

Rickard wrote:

Cool! I have no idea what the Xavier University Central Student Goverment is though smile

Xavier University is one of the top ten Universities in the Philippines..

Central Student Government is the student body government... The goal of the CSG is to help students in all academic and non-academic affairs.. The CSG is the bridge between the students and the Xavier University administration..

The forum is really helpful in student concerns, inquiries etc..

smile wrote:

I can't find this site... "The page cannot be displayed"

you can also go to this address:


I am proud to say that

Xavier University Central Student Goverment is using PunBB... or

Website integretion is perfect.

Please reply your comments... thanx!

XUCSG WebMaster