Gary13579 wrote:

Im just shooting out an idea here..

What if someone made a portal that you need to pay for, and someone makes a mod that installs PunBB forums for it? That wouldnt be in violation with the GPL, as the forum itself was free. Right?

I would really think about making this portal GPL. I would never pay for a website. Maybe its because I can code, but even if I forgot everything I know, I would still go with a free one such as PHP-Nuke

Yeah like what Gary said. If I release it without punBB but I allow punBB to be installed and have it set to work with PunBB after selling the portal by itself, would that be cool? So after people buy the software they have to download PunBB seperately to get full accessibility, would that be allowed, these licenses are confusing to me! I don't want people downloading it for free because I am trying to make a few buck to get myself a car, then I will start releasing it for free!

Rickard wrote:

I'm sorry Herbie, but at this time, I'm not ready to do that. I might change my mind in the future, but for now, I want PunBB to remain GPL only. I am not a lawyer, so I can't really tell you exactly how the GPL applies in this case, but I believe what CodeDuck posted above is true. The GPL FAQis a good read if you're interested in what you can and can't do with the source.

[topic moved]

So I will have to look elsewhere to forum software to compliment my portal then?

Smartys wrote:

Herbie: I believe Rickard said something about a situation like this: let me find it...

Might want to talk to him about it smile

From what I understand he is saying I am allowed, maybe I misread?  Also the portal will have alot of Neopets related features but in theory you could disable such options and be left with content management system, polls, things like that...The only thing is that it wont be super easy to edit like say PHPnuke but the manual will be possibly hundreds of pages giving detailed descriptions on how to edit every aspect of the site!

Edit: Forgot to add that if I am allowed to do this I will kick back a little bit from every copy I sell to support the PunBB cause.

Hmm...yeah the software was kinda gonna be using PunBB and working with it for this such as the login and registration so I suppose it would be in violation.  What if I were to kick back a few buck to you guys for every copy I sell, would that be acceptable?
I also was planning on charging for the portal because I am sadly kind of short on cash at this point otherwise I'd releaseit free.  I don't know how much I'll be charging but it wont be disturbingly high...

I also just wanted to say that I wouldn't be charging for the forum softqware but for the rest of the package so I dont think it violates GNU but I am not for sure.

I am developing a small web portal specifically for the online game Neopets.  Many Neopets resource sites require forum software.  In all honest my first choice would have been Invision of PhpBB but because I wish to distribute the package at a minimal cost I went looking for cheaper, or free forum software like punbb or Yabb.  I was wondering if I would be allowed to distribute it with my portal software, even though I will be selling the portal.  Is this okay with you guys or do you have any objections?  Please reply smile