When it's finished
All is said.
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Apupv
When it's finished
All is said.
An for the third part, I think you should just use the same code than in post.php.
Nice to see that you will be 8 to program, 8 to bring ideas, 8 to finish the next version, 8 to etc...
Good luck, and good work !
Another little one
Hey Frank H ! At least another guy with two screens
If the problem comes from FrontPage, like it seems, change your ftp software, not your forum software...
Or have I misunderstood ?
I'm not much into background texture, usually, but this time I like that !
Edge Master
Do you have a link to let us see this thing ?
email are already hiden when you are not connected.
But messenger's info, in the profile, are not... This could a good feature, yes.
And then you make a face with tomatoes.
I am really, really sorry.
Changing the ftp password and username won't screw up anything. I think this is the first thing to do, before the hacker (if there is on) does it.
If the databse is intact, your lucky ! It's the only irrecoverable thing. You can always re-uplaod the files.
good Luck !
I see i am not the only one who is bored to death, today !
There is a mod for image verification.
Search it on punres
For the avatar, check out this : http://www.punres.org/desc.php?pid=134
More broswer, but 20 minutes minimum to wait !
This won't help me me to increase my rentability
Here's the french version :
// Language definitions used in uploads.php
$lang_uploads = array(
'Uploader' => 'Téléverseur',
'File' => 'Fichier',
'Size' => 'Taille',
'Delete' => 'Supprimer',
'Posted by' => 'Utilisateur',
'Rang' => 'Rang',
'Date' => 'Date',
'Size' => 'Taille',
'Downloaded' => 'Téléchargé',
'Desc' => 'Description',
'Sort' => 'Cliquer pour classer selon ce critère',
'Filter' => 'Critères',
'Categ' => 'Catégorie',
'Part' => 'Nom du fichier contenant',
'All' => 'Tout',
'Pages' => 'Sur la page',
'Go to page' => 'Aller à la page :',
'Enable filter' => 'Appliquer les critères',
'Reset filter' => 'Remettre à zéro',
'Not allowed' => 'Action non autorisée.',
'Not allowed mes' => 'Je suis désolé, mais vous n\'avez pas les permissions nécessaires pour accéder à ce module.',
'Upload file' => 'Téléverser un fichier',
'Upload rules' => 'Règles de téléversement :',
'Upload rules mes' => "- Vous pouvez téléverser des fichiers avec ces extensions: %EXT%<br />
- La taille maximale d'un fichier est de %SIZE% KB<br />- Ne téléversez pas de contenus illégaux",
'Descr' => "Description du fichier :",
'Upload warn' => "Les fichiers peuvent contenir des virus ou être illégaux. Merci de reporter un tel cas à l'administrateur.",
'File list' => "Liste des fichiers. Fichier apporté : %NUM%. Page %CUR% sur %ALL%.",
'Err no file' => "Vous n'avez pas spécifiez de fichier à téléverser",
'Err file exists' => "Il y a déjà un fichier de ce nom sur le serveur",
'Err file big' => "Le fichier est trop lourd",
'Err file type' => "L'extension de ce fichier n'est pas prise en charge",
'Err file couldnot' => "Impossible d'envoyer le fichier",
'Err file not found' => "Fichier introuvable",
'Err counter' => "Impossible d'augmenter le compteur de fichier, peut-être n'y a-t-il pas de tel fichier",
'File uploaded' => "Fichier téléversé : ",
'File deleted' => " - fichier supprimé!"
If you read english :
http://punres.org/doku.php?id=dev:style … go_via_css
If you prefer french :
http://www.punbb.fr/forums/doku.php?id= … logo_titre
This is a right place, and i have to say : this is a great mod !
Good Work !
You can skip smilies and rarely used buttons in order to lighten the size of the viewtopic.php, for example.
A french traduction of the "off topic" one :
PunBB Forums → Posts by Apupv
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