All is in the title
I want to quit the author name from the column "Topic" and add a column "author" to put it into.
PS : Sorry for my bad englis, i am french
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PunBB Forums → Posts by gregb
All is in the title
I want to quit the author name from the column "Topic" and add a column "author" to put it into.
PS : Sorry for my bad englis, i am french
I think a bar like in my post is more discrete than a table ....
i have uninstalled Easy Smilies and News generator generate a valid news.html
My punbb forum hosted at home
Thanks for this great forum !!!
I use BBcode on my forum but we can't select directly a color in order to use it in the BBcode color tag like that :
Any idea to add this function into easy bbcode ?
Sorry for my bad english, i m french.
First, sorry for my bad english, i am french.
I am running with punBB 1.2.10 + News generator and Easy Smilies.
But News Generator make a empty news.html. and say me "News generated."
I don't understand any idea ?
hi all
i want to quit the icones befors subject or forum name.
my background is black so im my .css i habe puted this :
/* 5.1 These are the post status indicators which appear at the left of some tables.
.inew = new posts, .iredirect = redirect forums, .iclosed = closed topics and
.inormal = everything else. By default only .inew and .inormal are visible.*/
DIV.inew, DIV.inormal, DIV.iclosed, DIV.iredirect {
FLOAT: left;
MARGIN-TOP: 0.2em;
DISPLAY: none;
BORDER-WIDTH: 0.6em 0.6em 0.6em 0.6em;
DIV.searchposts DIV.inew, DIV.searchposts DIV.inormal {MARGIN-LEFT: 0}
DIV.iredirect {BORDER-COLOR: #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000}
DIV.inormal, DIV.iclosed {BORDER-COLOR: #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000}
DIV.inew {BORDER-COLOR: #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000}
/* 5.2 Class .tclcon is a div inside the first column of tables with post indicators. The
margin creates space for the post status indicator */
TD DIV.tclcon {MARGIN-LEFT: 2.3em}
But the icone still to be white :
i have installed the 1.2.1 and now it appears to be funcionnal but i have only 1 news / 5 so is it normal that i don't have file in the archive directory ?
no :s
I have installed News Generateur, configured the top of the php file... whene i use the button GENERATE, the plugin says me that all is okey but the html file generated is empty... Any idea ?
Firefox... ... test it
i have a problem when i add a smilie, the scrollbar vertical up only
i have the same problem
i have 2 smilies inserted..
i have this error on deleting smilies :
Notice: Undefined variable: toremove in /www/punbb/plugins/AP_EasySmiles.php on line 15
You did not enter a smiley to be deleted.
thanks it was about plugin
the question is in the subject :d
gregb wrote:so how can i use the file .patch ? it's a script to do the modification automatically i suppose ?
yes you use a program called patch but you need shell(ssh) access to your server
my server is at home.. so.. all it's ok
so how can i use the file .patch ? it's a script to do the modification automatically i suppose ?
What is the .patch ?
i have do it but it was buggued
I have see that...
but i don't program in javascript, i have just do this compilation in order to "move" javascript programmer to do this s mod...
download the new 1.0 version of my script, i have quited balise <form>... and now all is OK:
Rickard have just releasd a MOD : Easy BBcode ... not buggued :p so..
PunBB Forums → Posts by gregb
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