Thanks, for the reply, I was kinda wondering if someone had scratched the itch, and packaged it up as a nice pluggin
1 2006-01-30 00:24
Re: Using punbb for comments (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
2 2006-01-29 23:41
Topic: Using punbb for comments (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
(I hope I'm posting in the right place)
Is there a pluggin or mod that would allow me to use PunBB for comments on articles? By this I mean I would be able to:
- Add an include to a (random) php page, which then
- Sets up a topic within a specified forum for this page
- Shows the posts and a reply box
- Works from PunBB's user data.
Has this been done before, or do people generally use blogging software and integrate the logins?
3 2006-01-24 18:07
Re: question on redirect (14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Perhaps making a short delay between the write and the next page's read operation helps?
(NB: I have very little experience with databases, and virtually none with optimisation, it's just a thought)
4 2006-01-23 22:14
Re: question on redirect (14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Thanks Ludo, I take it then that it uses a php header to redirect?
5 2006-01-23 18:17
Re: question on redirect (14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
In the options it says setting it to 0 is "not recommended", could someone explain why?
In setting mine to 0 it doesn't seem to use a meta-redirect - however, I'm guessing this from turning off meta-redirects in the FF web-dev toolbar, I'm not sure that's 100%.
Does that mean it uses a php header instead? Is setting it to 0 not recommended for a technical or usabillity issue?
(Btw, meta-redirects are a Priority 2 issue for the web-content accessibility guidelines. If it's not recommended from a usability point of view, I think we could come up with something else.)
Thanks for any info
6 2005-08-18 16:22
Re: Emailing Posts? (15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Whilst I agree that receiving emails to post is not a welcome feature (to me at least - why not create a newsgroup?), it would be nice if the email alerts that are sent out included the post itself?
Having the (user?) option to keep receiving post alerts even if you haven't been back to the site would be another nice to have.
These aren't going to stop me using PunBB, but they are things my userbase has asked for.
7 2005-02-05 15:59
Re: Very EASY BBcode ?! (18 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Whilst agreeing with Analogue, I'd suggest that a similar effect could be used without browser specific code, but detecting for support of the required features.
I.e. detect a modern browser by using something like:
if(mostComplicateFeatureNeeded) {
(stuff here)
else return false;
My JavaScript knowledge is v. hazy and this is off the cuff, but I'm fairly sure about the principle.