ok! works fine, thanks

Would be very dificult to show the moderator or admin rank and underneath the normal user rank ?
can anyone help my with de coding ?

hi!! i´ve in my forum a user with is moderator, then after his name appear de rank of "moderator" , but, whow can i do to shows the normal users ranks without quit him of the moderator list ??
i want the users to be moderator, but have the normal users ranks, changing with the numer of posts, it is posible ??

thnx, works fine ^^

hi! i have put this code in the top of my php web
define('PUN_ROOT', './foro/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
for share the pun vars, but when i tried to open the section of this way:
shows me a long lines of errors like

Notice: Use of undefined constant fecha - assumed 'fecha' in /home/virtual/sitio33213/www/tutoriales.php on line 115

Notice: Use of undefined constant j - assumed 'j' in /home/virtual/sitio33213/www/tutoriales.php on line 118

Notice: Use of undefined constant n - assumed 'n' in /home/virtual/sitio33213/www/tutoriales.php on line 118

Notice: Use of undefined constant Y - assumed 'Y' in /home/virtual/sitio33213/www/tutoriales.php on line 118

How can i solve my trouble ??

Hi!! i´ve a main page made in php, and i have a section about me, how can i do for the users that isnt registered have to register to view mi section about me ??
for example, when click to view mi page about me (aboutme.php) if the user isnt registered he is redirect to de login page, and he is registered he can enter to the section.

ok! i do it ! works fine.

ok thnx! can you tell me in what field and table of the mysql is the avatar saved, and the extension ??
thnx ^^

ok! thnx
Other question...
Its posible to show the avatar of one user loged in the forum, in the index my  page (in php) ?? and between "Logged in as kintaniya" (at the top of the forum)

Hi! im using the plugin "AP_News_Generator" and works fine, but i want to post the avatar of the poster near the name of the poster.
it is posible ??