OK, found a posting on my Host site, this is a problem caused by them. Please feel free to delete this thread if you want.

Database reported: Can't create/write to file '/var/tmp/#sql_e972_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13) (Errno: 1)

I went to bed and the site was fine, then when I got up and went to my home page, I get this.

Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used twice in /www/m/mfoston2/htdocs/include/functions.php on line 927

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to fetch category/forum list.

I can't get to the site at all, I can get into the database, and I changed the g_zip setting from 1 to 0 but that made no difference.

I'll try and get into debug mode and see if I can give you more info but any ideas about what would cause this?



erm, is there an easy way to remove a message from multiple forums when you made a typing mistake?

*bashes forehead off the desk*

edit: Its OK! I just pruned all the messages as its a new installation

Many thanks. Your speedy help convinced me to go and find a few $ and send them to the aid of the project smile

I'll buy you a beer next time I'm in Leeds!

*does a little dance of joy* (which looks kinda silly in the office)

Well, only posted one message, but it looks perfect!

WOW! So impressed with the speed too!

I'd be more than happy to have a plug in that posted a single message into each forum, which I could then edit manually.

Ideally, it would let me make it sticky (or not), it would subscribe me to that thread (or not), but as I have to edit each its not a huge problem.

Maybe you could have a screen with checkboxes, and the message gets added to all those you select? (I know I'm being greedy)

I'll hold off on posting the 130+ messages just in case this is an easy one

Thanks for the quick reply. I'd better start posting then.... hehe

I hope to be able to contribute a little something later this month, because I'll never be clever enough to program anything.

Hi, first of all, what a superb product.

I only found it yesterday, but its already well on its way to being setup and working.

My hosting company seems to have slow servers at times and so the other Forum packages drag their heels, but this flies, and its not too feature rich for me to be able to understand. (Thats not a criticism, its a compliment because I want it to work and work well!)

Anyway, here's my problem.

I have set up about 40 Forums, and I need to post the same (or very similar) 3 messages into each forum

Is there an easy way I could do this? I can edit each afterwards as they will all very a little, but I was wondering if there was a quicker way to get them there in the first place than me post each one individually?

Any help would be very gratefully received.

Thanks again
