Strangly, It works, but only for files which are not pictures.
I ran install_mod without errors.


At first, sorry for my English, I am a poor French student wink

I try, for my classroom's forum, to add you mod, which is very good. However, even if I try to modify what you asked on the readme.txt, it doesn't work. To be more precisely, when I attach a file with the input, after I send the message, the file is not uploaded, like if nothing happens.

I look at the database, there are not any information, just the structure.

Thanks for help, and sorry my English.
Hoping you will understand what I try to say smile

So Cuteeee

Ok good big_smile Thx

Thx, but for smileys ?


Before telling you my problem; i just say thank you for this good board smile

So, i install News Generator in my forum, after that, i don't see how to generate new news in an another site, because my forum isn't in the same account at the name of index.htm and not news.htm.

Thx big_smile