Perfect! Thank you.

Hi people...

I need to find out how to fix the spacing issue in my attached image to this post. I need to move the "Post New Topic" link over to the left a bit so it is all on one line again. I have no idea how it got on three lines!

Can you tell me what to edit in the CSS file to fix this one? I am using Lithium.

Thanks in advance,


One final question...

Where is in stylesheet do I edit to make the left column on a view topic page smaller?

Where my mane and avatar are is too wide for the space on the site... Just want to shove the right column over more.

Is it one of these?

    <div class="box">
        <div class="inbox">
            <div class="postleft">


Thanks Paul, wow I learned my thing for the day already this morning. I appreciate your time to reply.

It worked perfect.

Can you remove the example you have on your server? Thanks.

It was fine in IE PC before but all browsers on the MAC were getting killed by that... I don't know if strict coding will ever take over as a standard though, 99.9% of coders are fairly lazy. I try my best to not be lazy and at least use simple CSS in all of my designs. There are still tones of sloppy codders out there who are still using font tags and other such useless things still.

Its fun to go look at peoples page sources, tells you a lot about the person who coded it. I try to keep it clean but I am by no means following strict rules yet. I have the XHTML book in front of me, I think I will start to referance it from now on.

Thank again for your help,


Nope... I tried with and without that. I have tried everything. I am totally stumped. Never seen anthing like this.

I'll give it till tomorrow then I have to move on to other software. I know phpbb wraps fine but I like the liteness of punbb better.

I will see what you guys suggest by tomorrow and take it from there.


Well... I just commented out all of my styles and the link to the outside style sheet and it was still doing it.

I even reinserted the html part of it with NO javascript or anything dynamic at all.

It still is killing the tables.

I am getting frustrated now. This should not be this hard, I have wrapped hundreds of HTML pages around countless pieces of software over the past 6 years. Why all of a sudden is this messing up? I have never seen anything explode a table like that.

They are simple tables too... A table that just creates a 1 pixel by 100% wide line.

<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td height="1" bgcolor="#83878A"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>

I just don't get what is causing this to come apart.


Ok, well so what do I do here? Is there a fix or do I look for another forum software?


Well I fixed a couple of them...

There must be a reson the tables are getting blown apart in certain browsers.


Just a ">" no back slash.

Does EVERY tag need to be closed with a slash?


Hrm... That makes no sense... It is saying things that are not true like my CSS tag IS closed. Etc Etc... Weird....


How do I get it to "validate" don't think I have ever had to do that. smile



CodeXP... That worked great thanks!


Buzzkill, I did not change those settings...

I am using the Lithium Style... Does this apply to it as well?



Actually after looking at this further I have included two screenshots. I looks like the pixel problem is not showing up in IE but the text on the forum is WAY TO SMALL and looks crappy. That is Image 1 on the screen shot, taken in the latest version of IE on the PC.

The second screen shot is taken using FIRE FOX on the PC... There you can see the table problem.

Please help!!



Hi Everyone, I just installed PunBB on our site and when I wrap our design around the forums I have two issues...

Please see:

All of my tables seem to have a large space in them... Please have a look at a sub page on our site to see how it should look:

I have looked through the PunBB CSS files and tried commenting things out to see if they were causing this but it seems that they are not. I returned the file to normal once i was done commenting out thing so it is not that causing it.

I am totally stumped now. Can someone please let me know why my tables are being exploded?

As you can see in the page source we are also refering to our own css file.

Any help ASAP would be great!



I am currently running UBB.Clasic and want to move to PunBB.

I only have about 20 members and around 50 posts in the forum but they are valuable and do not want to lose them to moving to a new forum.

Can you please tell me if you have a script available that will migrate these users and posts over to the new install of PunBB.
