(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Unfortunately Im not sure if I am even allowed to release the style due to the original being created by Mike Lothar. I would need to ask his permission before releasing it to anyone.

To release it as a style I will have to make a few changes as not all of the style is found in the css files. I also applied a few mods/hacks to it to get it looking right.

I'll keep you posted smile Thanks for the kind feedback

This is how I incorporated my shop with Punbb. Their is only the one login, it pulls the header/footer from pun, and using hidden forums/usergroups you can have multiple order forms available to different usergroups or their status


It is very few files -> form.php, order.php, and include_fns.php (this contains your array of products available, but I have now built my array within mysql for easier management)

I can send you the files to play about with if you want to take a look? It is not an online store per se but just a real time order form. Using a nice little hover feature though you could have an image of the product load when hovering a product title - similar to the effect on templatemonster.com's homepage....

Let me know if you want files posting.


tuntenhobel wrote:

yes, i have it here and did the same yesterday, it is easy to do, just go for it , really really this is so easy its amazing how easy it is , i wonder how they do it so easy when others have problems , very many problems unlike here where there is not much problem at all so just goo on and do it like me its indeed easy , enough babbling, bye and good luck this should be no problem for you and i am sure you can do it so just go on i think it can be done in about 30 minutes that is fast at least that is how long it took me too do it so you shouldn't need much more to do it which isn't much compared to all other  stuff well in fact it is everything but much well i talk too much so i stop talking now good luck and bye and tell if you succeeded with your mission i think you can do  it just believe in yourself ok that's it will talk to you later

Thats just dribble. Use the full stop key once in a while sad


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Worked fine for me... I see this:

SuperTorrents Forums
News, Chat, Rants and other ST Stuff!
Index User list Rules FAQ Java Chat Search You are not logged in.

Welcome to the SuperTorrents Forums. If the forum shows you logged out, log out of ST and then log back in. If you are still unable to login please PM EnCrypt or Fevves on the site. Join #stsupport on IRC.p2p-irc.net for support. You can also use the java chat.

There are no posts by this user in this forum.


Although there was an error in the code.

Line 71
Character 1
Object Required

Not sure what the solution is, Im sure someone else can help you remove the error though.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Can I have the url to your site to see the error for myself.

I didnt know any PHP when I first start using Punbb. I only installed it because they said it was easy to install and it really was big_smile


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


Re-created with the permission of Mike Lothar, this is a copy of his popular Nosebleed theme for PHPBB (which you can see in effect here).

The only addition to this theme that I didnt use on PHPBB is the Collapsable Categories smile

Im officially in love with Punbb again


Download link is posted on their board

Running Zen Cart for the cart but that sucks so Im ditching it. If you can tell me how to display my PunBB header/footer in my order form I will use that.

lol I admit I strayed away for a couple of days... my forum is in PUNBB but that is not live yet. As soon as I have it skinned the way I want it I will use the unified convertor and stay the hell away from phpbb in future big_smile

Please take me back haha


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very nice work, cool header image

I'm having this same problem now but these current suggestions aren't resolving the issue :S

The footers appearance was fine, I changed 'Copyright Rickard Andersson' to say 'Theme based on Nosebleed' and it added that character. All I did was change the text, no code at all.

I got a fresh copy of footer.php and uploaded that - the problem went away. Again though as soon as I changed the text it messed up by adding a < character.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Solved the problem myself by editing the file on the server itself instead of uploading it. Don't know what difference it made and don't care, it works now lol.

No editing required on the forum itself just something I would like to see users do... When someone asks a question in Troubleshooting and it gets answered please can the original person Edit their original post and change the title to "[SOLVED] original message title".

It would certainly help when searching for an answer. I have read quite afew subjcts that have lead to a dead end. If someone searches and it says 'SOLVED' then it should be a lot easier to find the answer to your question smile

Its just an idea, Ive seen it on a few other boards and it makes life a little easier big_smile

Cheers Gizzmo, worked perfect

Using the 'Author Column Mod' I managed to add a new column to my viewforum.php - my problem is that the end column is quite cramped and is forcing text over three lines. I edited a few of the percentage values but it didnt seem to do anything. Would someone be able to make the end column bigger for me, and make the 1st column (not the post icon, but the topic title area) smaller.

Here is my code:

/* 6. TABLE SETUP */

/* 6.1 Table Basic Setup */

.pun TABLE {WIDTH: 100%}

/* 6.2 Fixed Table Setup */

#punindex TABLE, #vf TABLE {TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed}

.tcl {TEXT-ALIGN: left; WIDTH: 57%}

.tc3 {WIDTH: 9%; TEXT-ALIGN: center}

.tc2, .tcmod  {WIDTH: 7%; TEXT-ALIGN: center}9%; TEXT-ALIGN: center}

.tcr {WIDTH: 16%; TEXT-ALIGN: right}

#punsearch #vf .tcl, #punmoderate #vf .tcl {WIDTH: 41%}

#punsearch #vf .tc2 {WIDTH: 18%; TEXT-ALIGN: left}

.tcl, .tcr {OVERFLOW: HIDDEN}

/* 6.3 Other Table Setup */

#users1 .tcl {WIDTH: 40%}

#users1 .tcr {WIDTH: 25%}

#users1 .tc2 {WIDTH: 25%; TEXT-ALIGN: left}

#users1 .tc3 {WIDTH: 10%; TEXT-ALIGN: center}

#debug .tcr {WIDTH: 85%; WHITE-SPACE: normal}

#punindex TD.tcr SPAN.byuser {DISPLAY: block}


CodeXP made a small style hack that made a table cell change colour when moved over. The link for this is now dead so I wondered if anyone would be able to give me some help on achieving this?



How many columns are there on a fresh install of a Punbb forum? I count 5:

1. Post Icon
2. Forum
3. Topics
4. Posts
5. Last Post by

But my question is: Are column 1 and 2 actually the same column? Im having trouble finding which part of base.css to edit to make the first column (post icon) slightly larger. I'd also like to change the background colour of just the first two (post icon & forum) columns if possible?

Thanks, any help appreciated.


Solved it myself big_smile For anyone else wanting it for future reference edit your index.php and at Line 63 (or there abouts) remove the following code:

                    <th class="tcl" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_common['Forum'] ?></th>
                    <th class="tc2" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_index['Topics'] ?></th>
                    <th class="tc3" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_common['Posts'] ?></th>
                    <th class="tcr" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_common['Last post'] ?></th>

Where would I remove the table headings on Index:

Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post

The titles appear at the top of each category underneath the category heading. I dont want to just edit the language file to have blank text in its place, I would like to know how to remove the whole row entirely?



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


I suggest going to www.punres.org and looking at some of their styles available for free download. If you find a style that uses background images, or has a fixed width download the style. By looking through their css you should see how things are done smile I taught myself this way


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

'Page Cannot Be Displayed' Error sad


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very cool design. Easy on the eyes too


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hi guys,

Now I know I have run punbb plenty of times before but Ive been out of the loop recently. Instead of searching the forum I thought it would be quicker to just ask you all for your opinions. Can I do the following:

Create forums only visible to certain usergroups? These forums are to be external URL's (similar to the punres link on this board.) I need this feature as I have usergroups for my customers. Each usergroup should only have access to their own order form.

I have played around with integrating Punbb on my sites before (simple stuff like displaying online users on my site). Is it possible to integrate Punbb with Zen Cart? I have the following template for my upcoming zen cart:


and would like to load my entire punbb board within my zencart template like so:


I like playing with punbb so hope both of these are possible. Im sure they probably are but its best to ask



(28 replies, posted in Programming)

Two quick problems to resolve please:

I now have over 100 products on my order form. How would I put titles into the order form to seperate products? The form is for a butchers so for example we would have BEEF as a title then list all products containing beef, same goes for lamb, pork etc...

Second, I still havent worked out how to get the product codes to appear in my emails.

Thanks guys,


(28 replies, posted in Programming)

@ andrewteg: I tried the original code but it still isnt showing my product codes anywhere. If I zip my files would you mind taking a look for me? If someone has the original files maybe they can confirm that when an email is sent it is showing them the product codes...?

@ quaker: The mod is looking awesome dude, keep it up. I didn't expect anyone to mod the order form at all, I just needed help getting it to function correctly lol. This could make life a lot easier instead of having to write the damn arrays into php over and over big_smile