uups - totally missunderstood - wrong way sad

Thank you

i dunno what your trying to do excatly

Just integrate punBB into phpWCMS without iFrames...

1.I installet punBB into a root folder "forums"
2.For integration into other sites I have to use common.php
3.then, I have to define the constant PUN_ROOT -> I have to put a code like

define('PUN_ROOT', './forums/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

into my index.php

are this steps right?

On calling the punbb, I get this error:

The constant PUN_ROOT must be defined and point to a valid PunBB installation root directory

So, where do I have to define the constant PUN_ROOT?

in the code PUN_ROOT

Sorry - what does this mean exactly?

I read about website integration in the docu and there is the part "However, in order to include this file, you need to define a constant called PUN_ROOT."

Where should I put this in? I try to do this in the index.php of phpWCMS, but doesn't work...

in this version you will have to go through and edit each URL in the code

Does this mean I have to edit all "define('PUN_ROOT', './');" in all punbb files where they are definded?


I try to integrate punBB into phpWCMS.

With phpWCMS, you can integrate external content in different ways.

Here is one possible way:

On phpwcms there you can use "phpwcmsalias". With this alias, you can call external scripts as index.php?punbb&misc.php?action=rules or index.php?punbb&viewforum.php?id=23 instead the regular url.

To integrate, you have to create a text content with a "replacement tag": {PHP:path_to_external_script/index.php} or {PHP:path_to_external_script/external.php}

Is there a way to manipulate the call "index.php?somewhat" to "alias&index.php?somewhat" (or similar)?

Can this be done with punBB?