yeah must be a problem with the host, got it running on another host fine
1 2005-03-24 14:14
Re: Installation problems (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
2 2005-03-24 12:04
Topic: Installation problems (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hi, got a problem with installation. I've uploaded everything to my server, opened a browser and pointed it at install.php, i get the following error -
A file permissions error has occurred running this script.
Please check that the script and the directory that it's in are only writable by the site administrator.
If this error persists, please contact the server administrator.
I've tried plenty of permission combinations with no success. Any idea whats up?
Hope someone has a clue, looking forward to running these forums