(9 replies, posted in Feature requests)

you have to make some split in  "1.1" in *_cs.css (color style)
DIV.box, .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd, .roweven {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F1F1F1}

make them kinda
DIV.box, .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F1F1F1}
.roweven {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #C1C1C1}

hrmm... this "security" of attachments and  "downloading" limits IMHO very rarely needed..
for me this "attachment"/"uploading" is for fast pictures pasting, and there absolutely no need to make them secure, and uncacheble.
about fpassthru(); - in many download scripts they using readfile();

about rules wizard
well, 20 groups, and even 100 of them if you make css "table" width not 100%, table could be very large in both directions...
as for now - i've decided not to touch css, because there's need of many forums, not many groups. and by the way 10 groups fits screen good enough. smile


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

??????? ???????????? ?? php. ?????????? ??????? ????.
??? ????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ????.


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

???????? ???????? ?????????? ????? ?????????? $page_title ? ?????? ?? php ????????, ???????????? header.php
?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ? ???????? ??? ??? ? ??? ???????????. ? ???????? ??? ????
$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']).' / '.(???????? ???????, ?????? ?? ???????? ??????);


(51 replies, posted in Archive)

?????????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ????????????. ??-?????? ?????????? ???? ????? ?? ??????. ??-?????? ??? ???????? ????????? - ?????? ?????? (????? fpassthru(); - ? ??? ???????, ? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????).
? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ? ??????????? unixtime ??????? ????????. ????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ?????????, ? ????????????? ????????, ? ???????????? (????????? ????????) ?? ???????? (??? ? phpbb - post_XXXXXX.XXX - ????? ???????? ???????? ??? ??????).


(51 replies, posted in Archive)

1. ?? ?????? ?????? ?????
4. ???? ??????? ????, ?? ????? ? ???????? ????????, ? ????? ???, ??? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ???????? ???????..
5. ??? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ?????????? ??????? ? ??? ???????????? ?????????????? ????? ???????????... ??? ??????:
6. ????? ??????????


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

? description ? ??? ???????? html ????.
?????? ????????? <img src=..>
???? ???? ???????? ?????? ???? ? ?????? ???????????? - ???? ??? ??? ????????? ? header.php ????? 135 ??????.

// START SUBST - <pun_title>
$tpl_main = str_replace('<pun_title>', '<h1><span>'.pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']).'</span></h1>', $tpl_main);
// END SUBST - <pun_title>

??? ??? ???? ???????? ??

$tpl_main = str_replace('<pun_title>', '<h1><span>'.$pun_config['o_board_title'].'</span></h1>', $tpl_main);

About resumed downloading and cacheble images i see only one reasonable way - is to store files with their normal names (and escaped), and if they have double - adding some postfix, to make unique filename. And pointing exactly on files.. Apache or other http server knows better how to send files...

Okay, I've made a "rules wizard", using javascript for copy-pasting of single rules, and a row/col as groups/forums (i.e. copy from one user to other for all the forums, or from one forum to other rules of all usergroups).
I don't know how good it will display on narrow screens... Anyways, the view of rules is formatted as table, with usergroups as columns, and forums as rows.
You may try it from here [updated 2010-09-05].
And you may write url of this page directly, or add a kind of code

                                <th scope="row"><div><a href='attach_rulwiz.php'>Rules Wizard</a></div></th>
                                    <span>As above, but with more friendly interface</span>

into AP_Attachment_Mod.php about 1169 line after

                                <th scope="row"><div><input type="submit" name="list_rules" value="List Rules" tabindex="6" /></div></th>
                                    <span>In here you can see what permissions tou have set for different groups, and you can assign groups access to attach files to their posts or change already existing rules. All settings are per group and per forum basis. No rules = no permissions.</span>

* Little update: forum categories added.

* Note: when single rules or rows or columns are "copyed", only their position is stored, not content. Therefore if you change somehow what you just copyed, you'll past changed content. Also, you may copy rule only once, and paste it many times.

* Screenshot: http://volutar.eu5.org/rulwiz.png

You may write little "function" that will change "forum_id" in 'topics' table.
You may use DB management plugin run sql query like that:

update [prefix]topics set forum_id=3 where forum_id=2

prefix - is prefix of tables, when you were installing punbb database.
but before you have to see viewforum.php?id=N in index.php to find out these ID's to replace one to another.
good luck!

theoretically resuming is possible, but actually there are some issues, makin it nearly impossible sad
but most of fileservers workds with resume.. how???

I was trying to implement "resume" of broken downloads of attachments, but faced some problems... and decided that it's nearly impossible due to "Range" parameter parsed by http server (apache).
After "Range: bytes=319488-" sent to server by client, server generates this responce before any scripting activity starts:

HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 06:31:11 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.53 (Win32) PHP/4.3.11
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1


    $fp = fopen($fname, "rb");
        message($lang_common['Bad request']);
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$attach_filename.'"');
//        header("Connection: close");
//Gather relevent info about file
            $ctype='application/octet-stream'; // a default mime is nothing is defined for the file
//Begin writing headers
//Use the switch-generated Content-Type
        header("Pragma: ");
        header("Cache-control: ");
        header("Content-Type: $ctype");

        header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',$attach_uploadtime).' GMT');

        $ff=fopen("c:/!!!!".mktime(),'w'); //a sort of log for every session.
        fwrite($ff,"filename='".$fname."' size=".$size."\n\n");
//check if http_range is sent by browser (or download manager)

        if(isset($_ENV['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
            list($a, $rang)=explode("=",$_ENV['HTTP_RANGE']);
//if yes, download missing part
            list($a, $b)=explode("-", $rang);
            fwrite($ff,"rang='".$rang."' a='".$a."' b='".$b."'\n");
            if ($a=='') $a=0;
            if ($b=='') $b=$size-1;
            if ($a>0) fseek($fp,$a); 
//            header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial content");
            header("Content-Length: $new_length");
            header("Content-Range: bytes $a-$b/$size");
            fwrite($ff,"header: ".$a."-".$b."/".$size."\n");
            fwrite($ff,"new length ".$size."\n");
//if not, download whole file
        } else {
            header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
            header("Content-Length: ".$size);
            header("Connection: close");

//start buffered download
        while($size>=0) {
//reset time limit for big files
            if  (connection_status()!=0) break;
            fwrite($ff,"pushed chunksize=".strlen($buf)." size=".$size." ob_len=".ob_get_length()."\n");
//            sleep(1);
        fwrite($ff,"Connection lost status ".connection_status()."\n\n\n");
        if (feof($fp)) fwrite($ff,"EOF reached\n");
        if (feof($fp)) $result = $db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'attach_2_files SET downloads=downloads+1 WHERE id=\''.$attach_item.'\'')or error();

it doesn't work well sad a dummie session is created that can't be stopped, and "pushing" file till it's end...
very odd.

well, if you added forum or group - you have to edit all these rules again.

it's very annoying thing, to edit rules of many groups and many forums.... sad
is there any way to set "default" rules? or to multiset them???

? ???  ???? ???


(88 replies, posted in Archive)

???. ? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???????????? ?????????, ??????? ??? ??? ??????????, ? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ??, ??????? ??? ???????? ??????? smile

Definatly bad. monopolization and avoiding of competition never been good.
How do you think if microsoft and berkley making free-bsd and linux with other OS makers will join together and will make super OS, that won't have any competitors not because it's the best, but because they are all bought?

Request for:
* Time of uploading of attachment (i.e. some later message was edited, attachment was deleted and re-uploaded.)

?????? ??? ????? ??? ?? ????????. ??? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ???.
??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????, ????? ???.


(88 replies, posted in Archive)

Aleksei, ????? ?????????

Deadman, ?? ??, "?????", ? 92 ???? ? ???? ??????? ???????. ?????? ???? ????????? - ??????????? ? ????. ???????? ???????? ?? ????????.. ?? ???? ??? ???????? ??????? smile ?? ????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?? ???????. ?????????? ????? ?? ????.


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

a zachem russkaia adminka?
adminit' dol'zhni prodvinutie, kto znayut kak admnit', znayut html, i sledovatel'no - english.

?????? ??? ????? ? ????????? ?????.
?? ???? ?? ??? ???????? ?????????????????????? ?????, ?? ????? ?? ? ????-??? ??????? ??? ??????? "??????" - ?????????????.
?? ????????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ? ???? ????? ?????? - ?????.


(88 replies, posted in Archive)

Deadman, ñæàòûå ñòðàíè÷êè âî 1-õ - ïîääåðæèâàþò íå âñå ñåðâåðà, âî 2-õ - íå âñå êëèåíòà, â 3-õ - äàæå áóäó÷è ñæàòûìè îíè áóäóòü íàìíîãî áîëüøå ÷åì ñæàòûå íà koi8-r/cp1251.

Ïîëüçà îò utf çàêëþ÷àåòñÿ â óíèâåðñàëüíîñòè(ïîääåðæêå âñåõ âèäîâ ïèñüìåííîñòè), ÷òî â çíà÷èòåëüíîé ñòåïåíè îáëåã÷àåò ðàçðàáîòêó ïî, â òîì ÷èñëå è âåá-îðèåíèðîâàííîãî.

 Ðîññèè íóæíî òîëüêî 2 âèäà ïèñüìåííîñòè: êèðèëëèöà è ëàòèíèöà. koi8-r/cp1251 âïîëíå óäîâëåòâîðÿþò ýòè íóæäû. Ïåðåêîäèðîâùèê èç îäíîé â äðóãóþ êàæäûé ïðîãðàììèñò â íà÷àëå ñâîåé äåÿòåëüíîñòè äåëàåò. Íèêàêèõ "èçâðàùåíèé" â ýòîì íåò.

Êàê ÿ óæå ñêàçàë - ÿ äîïóñêàþ utf-8 â èíòåðíàöèîíàëüíûõ, à íå ðóññêèõ ñàéòàõ, è â îáû÷íûõ ïðèëîæåíèÿõ.
Èñïîëüçîâàíèå utf-8 â ðåãóëÿðíîì ñàéòîñòðîèòåëüñòâå ìàëî îòëè÷àåòñÿ îò äîêóìåíòîîáîðîòà â RTF. Òîæå - äîñòàòî÷íî óíèâåðñàëüíàÿ êîäèðîâêà. È äàæå êàðòèíêè âíåäðÿþòñÿ.
Íî ýòî - èçâðàò. Ýòî "òèïà ðàñøèðåíèå" êîäèðîâîê âûõîäèò áîêîì äëÿ êàðìàíà è íåðâîâ. Ìíîãî ëè ïðîãðàìì ñòàðûõ ïîääåðæèâàþò åãî?
È â þíèêñàõ cp1251 èñïîëüçóåòñÿ âïîëíå òàê áåç ïðîáëåì. Ïåðåêîäèðîâùèêè íà êàæäîì øàãó âàëÿþòñÿ.

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ÇÛ: Ïî òîíó òâîèõ ñîîáùåíèé ìîãó äîáàâèòü: îñòàâü ñâîè êîñìîïîëèòè÷åñêèå èäåè äëÿ ñâîèõ ïîòîìêîâ. Íå ñòîèò ïåðåêëàäûâàòü íåíàâèñòü ê ÿçûêó â ñâîþ êàæäîäíåâíóþ äåÿòåëüíîñòü. Ìîæíî ïëîõî êîí÷èòü (íåðâû íå âîññòàíàâëèâàþòñÿ).

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????? ????????? attachment2 ??????????, ????? ??? ????????? ?????? uploads, ?? ??????? ???? ?????, ????? ????????, ????????? ????????? ? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ???????.
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