Okay, I've made a "rules wizard", using javascript for copy-pasting of single rules, and a row/col as groups/forums (i.e. copy from one user to other for all the forums, or from one forum to other rules of all usergroups).
I don't know how good it will display on narrow screens... Anyways, the view of rules is formatted as table, with usergroups as columns, and forums as rows.
You may try it from here [updated 2010-09-05].
And you may write url of this page directly, or add a kind of code
<th scope="row"><div><a href='attach_rulwiz.php'>Rules Wizard</a></div></th>
<span>As above, but with more friendly interface</span>
into AP_Attachment_Mod.php about 1169 line after
<th scope="row"><div><input type="submit" name="list_rules" value="List Rules" tabindex="6" /></div></th>
<span>In here you can see what permissions tou have set for different groups, and you can assign groups access to attach files to their posts or change already existing rules. All settings are per group and per forum basis. No rules = no permissions.</span>
* Little update: forum categories added.
* Note: when single rules or rows or columns are "copyed", only their position is stored, not content. Therefore if you change somehow what you just copyed, you'll past changed content. Also, you may copy rule only once, and paste it many times.
* Screenshot: