Hi all,
I'v been restyling my copy of PunBB to fit into the current style of my website, but there's some small issues that I can't seem to solve on my own.
First of all, how do I change the color of the usernames that are being displayed on the left of a post? It is currently white but i'd rather see it black. I know I've somehow managed to change it, but dunno how I did that, so any help would be very much appreciated.
Second, there are some other white links that I'd like to change the colors of (the "Post new topic" for example, along with the navigation links in de admin-panel). Perhaps they're related to the username in terms of color assignment, I'm not quite sure. Anyway, if anyone could help me out it would be nice.
One last thing, does anyone of you know how I can specify the height of the navigation bar? It has to be 16 pix, just like all the other headers which I've managed to edit, but I can't get the navigation bar to behave the same.
Many thanx in advance.