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i want to release my first mod to the community.
Search Engines like Google don't like URLs like:
With my mod the URLs look like:
Profiles are flx-vp123.php
To avoid duplicate content lots of things are disallowed in robots.txt.
You can see this mod in action on (german)
robots.txt is here.
Installation will probably take ~5 minutes.
It will be released tomorrow.
I'd like some feedback
please tell me how much traffic your punBB uses and how big your forum is.
flx wrote:is there a german lang file?
No, not yet, only English as of now. But if you translate it, I'd love to have it as my german isn't so good ;)
just started.. ;)
german attach.php:
// Language definitions for frequently used strings
$lang_attach = array(
// viewtopic.php
'Attachments:' => 'Attachments:', // Used in viewtopic before attachments in the post.
'Size:' => 'Größe:', // Used in viewtopic to show filesize of attachment.
'bytes' => 'bytes', // Used in viewtopic after the filesize.
'Downloads:' => 'Downloads:', // Used in viewtopic to show number of downloads.
'Attachment' => 'Attachment', // Used in post the legend name
'Note' => 'Hinweis: Das Attachment Feld wird geleert, wenn die Vorschau genutzt wird. Du musst also nach der Vorschau die Datei noch einmal auswählen.', //Used in post to display a note under the attachment field
'Delete?' => 'Löschen?', // Used in edit.php, after the delete checkbox for each attachment...
'Existing' => 'Vorhandene Attachments: (auswählen, um zu löschen)', //Used in edit.php, before the existing attachments that you're allowed to delete
'Existing2' => 'Vorhandene Attachments: (darf nicht gelöscht werden)', //Used in edit.php, before the existing attachments that you aren't allowed to delete
'Upload' => 'Neues Attachment hochladen, maximal: %%ATTACHMENTS%% Attachments', //Used in edit.php, before the upload field, %%ATTACHMENTS%% must be there, it will show how many attachment the user has as a maximum...
'Note2' => 'Hinweis: Alle Attachment Optionen werden gelöscht, wenn die Vorschau genutzt wird. Du musst also nach der Vorschau die Datei zum hochladen und die zu löschenden Dateien noch einmal auswählen.', //Used in edit to display a note under the attachment field
// attach.php
'Image view - Attachment Mod' => 'Bilder Ansicht - Attachment Mod', // Used in attach.php, header on the Image view frame.
'Download:' => 'Download:' // Used in attach.php, where one can click the filename to download.
is there a german lang file?
thank you, thank you, thank you!
margin auto was missing..
i set #punwrap to a width of 45em. now i want to have #punwrap centered.
how can i do this?
it's a bit strange, because when i set text-align:center; at body, nothing will happen.
thx for help!
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