i had multiple catagories as well as 1 private. all contain forums. www.dtguild.com/forum is what i have up there.
1 2005-05-09 21:37
Re: Unified converter! (InvPB, miniBB, PhpBB, vBulletin & YabbSE) (105 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
2 2005-05-09 19:22
Re: Unified converter! (InvPB, miniBB, PhpBB, vBulletin & YabbSE) (105 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
well, i was unable to log on to my first set up admin account after running the conversion script, on punbb that is. not on my vb.
and none of the forums, posts, threads got converted.
3 2005-05-09 18:54
Re: Unified converter! (InvPB, miniBB, PhpBB, vBulletin & YabbSE) (105 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
the converter converted nothing for me even my admin user was deleted. i was using vb 3.07
4 2005-05-09 18:20
Topic: a vB3 to punbb convertor? (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
does anyone know if one of these exist? or is willing to code one for me?