Just a gentle reminder/request: the freshmeat entry for punbb hasn't been updated to reflect the 1.2.7 release. I'm a "subscriber" and only happened upon this new release via a trip to the site to lookup some information...
2 2005-05-12 19:23
Topic: sqlite and "truncate" statement in 12_to_125_update.php (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
I just did an update from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5. I'm using sqlite as the backend. The update script 12_to_125_update.php failed with an error at line 135 which I tracked down to a truncate statement ("truncate table search_cache"). sqlite apparently doesn't support this statement, so I commented it out and then the update went fine.
I'm not familiar with the "truncate" command - would "delete from search_cache" be analogous?