Thanks.  I will try to make this work.

Thanks, but integration is not what I am looking for, which is a feature I already use.  I am trying to figure out how to have Punbb use the same skin as Nucleus so that they look like one and the same site.  Sort of what was done with mambo at … Itemid,44/.  I am looking to wrap the Nucleus skin around Punbb.  Thanks.

Can someone help me with regards to wrapping PunBB in Nucleus.  I have searched but could not find the answer.  Thanks.

I started working on a WordPress plugin.  I am not programmer at all, but below is what I have so far.  Any suggestions would be helpful.

function wp2punbb( $id )
global $wpdb;

* fetch and process wp data
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = '$id'");

if ( !$posts )
return $id;

$post = $posts[0];
$title = apply_filters('the_title', $post->post_title);
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);

* insert into punbb as appropriate
function connectPunBB()
        // connect to PunBB database
        $this->link = mysql_connect($this->getOption('host'), $this->getOption('username'), $this->getOption('password'));
        if (!$this->link)
            doError("Cannot connect to PunBB database...");
        if (!mysql_select_db($this->getOption('database')))
            doError("Cannot select PunBB database...");

// add the new information into the database
$query="INSERT INTO punbb_posts (post,poster,message) VALUES ('$_POST[post]','$_POST[poster]','$_POST[message]')";
if(!mysql_db_query($dbname,$query,$link_id)) die(mysql_error());
// likely a simple insert query
return $id;

add_filter('post_publish', 'wp2punbb');

Is there a way that when you post in a WordPress blog to have it also posted in PunBB as well, so that your users may be able to comment on the entry in the forum.  For example if a user or guest clicks on Comments (0), they user or guest would be directed to the topic in the forum so that they may post their comment.  I know that this has been done for Nucleus using the NP_PunBB plugin and I was hoping that there was something similar for WordPress.  I tried to figure out if I could do it with extern.php, but I have had no luck.  Thanks for your help.