Thank you, I just hit "edit" to handle the password...with a very red face...but you'd already been in and snipped...DUH. and thanks!

And thanks for the info about the ending tag.  I'm proceeding with the install.

I'm real new, so forgive me if I'm just making a newbie mistake.  But I'm re-installing my first PunBB board, the first install died an ugly death after what looked like an easy and early success.

So now I've run the install script in a new directory, and got the common errors "The cache directory is not writeable..." and "The avatar directory is not writeable...", both of which I've corrected using chmod.

Here's the problem:  the install script then directs me to copy "the following" to config.php, and then upload that file to the server.  However the contents of "the following" has a PHP header tag, but not the ending tag.  I can add a PHP ending tag, but am I missing more than just the ending tag? 

Thanks for all's what I see that I'm to insert as config.php.  I'm using Firefox, maybe there's a browser problem.  All help appreciated!

"the following", for config.php:


$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'PunBB';
$db_username = 'root';
$db_password = '[snip]//Connorhd';
$db_prefix = 'PB_';
$p_connect = false;

$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
$cookie_seed = 'dd441330';

define('PUN', 1);

Thank to both of you for the comments.  Yep, spam is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future.  The board I'm putting up is on a site that will shortly go live and be somewhat high profile, so I expect the bots to find it.

Smartys, yep, I don't allow guests to post--and that plugin for visual confirmation sounds like a wonderful way for me to limit spambot registration.  (Even that can be cracked.  Some bots will forward that graphic file to porn sites, which pretend to require the confirmation--so port site visitors become part of the graphic-cracking program.  Doh!)

Smartys, do you know what the plugin is?  If not, I'll start lookin'.  Hopefully it'll be easy to find--the open source blogging software I use doesn't have a central directory of plugins, so my experience says I might have my work cut out for me, to find this.

Thanks again, all!

I'm just putting up my first PunBB board - nice simple product!  Kudos to the developer!

Are the spambots finding PunBB boards, is this a problem for us?  I've been using another product that has sophisticated & effective protection, but can't use it for this current project--besides, PunBB is much easier.

Any thoughts or observations?  Thanks!
