(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

im tailing the error logs and im seeing this:

(banning players is completely ineffectual, the row in the db is not inserted and it would appear there is some sort of flat file cache that is not getting updated either

[Thu May 06 23:54:18 2010] [error] [client xxxxxxxxx] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  Ban settings legend in /var/www/html/forumadmin/admin/users.php on line 642, referer: http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com/forumadmin/adm … dify_users
[Thu May 06 23:54:24 2010] [error] [client xxxxxxxxx] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  hotfix in /var/www/html/forumadmin/include/cache.php on line 374, referer: http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com/forumadmin/adm … dify_users
