It seems to have mysteriously fixed itself???

Sorry to trouble everybody.

-Tae Kim

Also, I tried directly inserting a new post via myPhpAdmin with no problems.

So this problem is very baffling to me.

-Tae Kim

Here's what I get in debug mode.

An error was encountered
File: /public/vhost/g/guidetojapanese/html/forum/post.php
Line: 251

PunBB reported: Unable to create post

Database reported: MySQL server has gone away (Errno: 2006)

(That's line 195 in the unmodified version of the code.)

-Tae Kim

Inserting a new post to the database has become so slow that it errors out in most cases.

It redirects to the error page as:
An error was encountered
Error: Unable to create post.

Even if it does work, it's really really slow. Guest or not, new post or reply, it really doesn't matter.

I doubt it has anything to do with the Mysql database itself since editing and viewing work fine.

Is there any performance issues I need to be aware of? I have a total of 27683 posts.

Can anybody help me?

The forum is here:

Feel free to test it out and post a reply as guest here:

-Tae Kim


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I made a forum for my guide to japanese grammar website.

What do you think?

-Tae Kim


(16 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I think the only way it's going to work is to ask the user, not for timezone, but for locale (country) and calculate based on that. I think if you can get US, Europe, and all the countries that do not use daylight savings right, you'll satisfy 90% of your users. Sounds like a lot of work for little benefit. But still, having to manually adjust for daylights saving is just ridiculous. Why not just blindly use the server's time always? I actually prefer that because then all the times are correct relative to each other.